

New Member
Mar 17, 2011
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Hello My name is Maggie I am currently taking a ASL course in College and one of my assignments is to interview a individual that is hard of hearing. Is anyone willing to help me or to allow me to interview you?
Thanks and have a great day!
Thanks, appreciate the message and completely respect that. I am sorry for any inconvenience. I would like to continue on this site and perhapes meet some great individuals. This seems like an amazing group of individuals. I appreciate the referrance towards the other sites but the assignment is all about getting to meet a person and having a one on one conversation, not research.
Thanks and have a Great Day!
It's a rainy day and I am bored. What do you want to know? And what do you mean by "hard of hearing"? I think I am probably deaf by your criteria and not your candidate anyway.
:wave: why not meet someone in person where you live? Since this is about having a "one on one conversation".
hi my name is Denise you may interview me I am deaf in my right ear and hard of hearing in my left ear I can talk but uses asl you can interview me I will be more glad to help you with your assignment you can email me or you can call me through my VRS phone 857-598-2386 I use an interpreter but it is ok best time to call me is after 5pm ok mostly I m on the computer