Yeah, ***sigh*** I know what you mean. It's toooo many in the list what I had an experience in hearing world like this. I would like to tell you the story what I never forget in my life is in Cyprus.
We were in Pissouri, Cyprus for 3 weeks vacation in 1987. I remember the Greek's staring with "upset" impression faces when they saw us use sign languages in the public. It got some of them wondering how could deaf travel everywhere without hearing accompany and use rental car etc? We repeated their questions patiencely that we're normal like everyone - we have jobs, our own house, car, travel etc but they still are not accept to this. We got ice creams, drinks etc for the gratis everytime we visited different cafes because they feel "sorry" for us. :roll: They treated us like God until we visited one of many cafes - they asked us alot of questions because they have a deaf & dumb uncle, that's why they cant image when they saw us for a first time. We cant beleive when the owner told us the whole story about the deaf in Cyprus life. There're only one school for the deaf with very low education in their country. The marriage, job, education etc for Deaf is out of the question because they thinks that deaf need parent's guardian and belongs to kind of "mental". On the next day the owner introduced his old & deaf uncle to us. We're shock & feel sad for him. Its hardly to communicate with him but we learn to understand him more since we saw him everyday for 1 hour chat. He is unmarried & never visited to school & have no friends. He is living under his relatives's guardian. No wonder, many deaf Greek went to live in England.
Some of hearing people, whom I getting know better thru work place in England and Germany wondering the same how could I learn everything like this. I repeated them that I learn thru school, college, etc. I can do with workcrafts and restoration work on furniture etc.
I was also questioned about sex life, too. ***sigh***. :roll: They thought I switch light on to use sign language to my hubby during sex hour. ***sigh*** I answered their curious questioned patience telling them that I has no time to switch light on because I'm toooo busy to enjoy sex and to pleasure my hubby as he to me, too. :roll: I explained them that I can do everything like hearing except phone.