Artifical Wombs.......that's a BIG stirrer....seen the film Matrix anyone??!

Eventually it's going to happen sometimes in the future. It'll be possible for male/male couples to have babies, for women to have babies without the 9 month grind, for those who it'd be a death-sentence to give birth, or those who just can't for one reason or another but still want a baby, etc.

It's just a matter of time before the technology is there to provide that option. Of course, like many things where technology takes over where humans reigned supreme forever there's going to be controversy and opinions flying around everywhere about it.

Another thing we'll have to consider in the future is whether we should manipulate our DNA to provide perfect births with no more defects. Do we tamper with such a complex mechanism? Do we make everyone perfect? The excellent movie Gattaca addresses this in a fascinating way.
enough people on planet without engineering more plus some could be bred for army use etc at some point it get in wrong hands as nothing is perfect and if they were perfect where would it put us inperfect humans,in dangerous position I think
some ladies wanted blooded children but can't stand being pregnant that would work for this one.
frankistineish would the monster be stronger than the master who made it
Another thing we'll have to consider in the future is whether we should manipulate our DNA to provide perfect births with no more defects. Do we tamper with such a complex mechanism? Do we make everyone perfect? The excellent movie Gattaca addresses this in a fascinating way.

That is a tough one! As another poster stated the world is over populated as is. producing "super humans" free of ailments and likely a greater life span would cause major issues for our planet. We already face problems with a depleting water supply and lack of quality agricultural land/sufficient food production.. How would we sustain a growing population of "super humans"?
The planet is far from overpopulated, it's just being overworked for resources. If we were to stand every human shoulder-to-shoulder, it'd barely fill up downtown Los Angeles. We do consume a large amount of resources, though. At some point we'd have to colonize the moon and maybe Mars, to spread out a bit.

Turning towards renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and water would go a long way to protect this planet. Strip mining and tree chopping would have to be outlawed, at some point. Farming and fishing would have to be encouraged but controlled. It'd be a huge administrative task for the entire planet.