Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

My brother-in-law's one of his employees has 14 children, and his wife's baby will be born this fall because the parents obey God's commands. It will be their 15th baby. They never stop doing it. Don't you think that it is wrong because we have overpopulation in our country?

No matter of fact I don't think it's wrong, Are they taken good care of those children? Do they respect and compassion those children? It takes a lot of courage to raise a lot of kids, if they give those kids a lot of love and caring, I don't see what's wrong with them having too many kids. ;)
How is that I am controlling other people's life? I don't stand in front of the abortion clinic and stop them from getting abortion. Of course I know it's their decision, but doesn't mean I have to agree with their decision because I don't. I know what's it is like to have an abortion because I've been there I've carried this regret for a very long time, there was never a day that goes by I don't think about what I've done, I do, I've lived with this for a very long time, I'm ashamed for what I've done, but I was forced by my parents to get an abortion. Talk about controlling people's lives, parent's shouldn't force their daughters to get an abortion. :/

Ok, I have tell you that need show a horrible rant at front of abortion clinic and scare them off.

Just kidding :giggle:

Also, I had noticed that some teenagers were forced to abortion after make sex with person without parent's knowing and just seems like punish them, that's not enjoy if have no choice.
How is that I am controlling other people's life? I don't stand in front of the abortion clinic and stop them from getting abortion. Of course I know it's their decision, but doesn't mean I have to agree with their decision because I don't. I know what's it is like to have an abortion because I've been there I've carried this regret for a very long time, there was never a day that goes by I don't think about what I've done, I do, I've lived with this for a very long time, I'm ashamed for what I've done, but I was forced by my parents to get an abortion. Talk about controlling people's lives, parent's shouldn't force their daughters to get an abortion. :/

I am sorry to hear that. It is terrible for your parents to force you... Your doctor did a good job otherwise, you would have died if the doctor's performance is so poor. I completely understand how difficult for you to be in a fine line like 50/50 chance. I cannot tell you whether it is good or bad idea. I wish that there is an easy way for all women to "magic" that would never happen or make it happen. You know what I mean.
Also, I had noticed that some teenagers were forced to abortion after make sex with person without parent's knowing and just seems like punish them, that's not enjoy if have no choice.

Some teenagers are afraid of their parents because they would abuse them if they find out that their kids are pregnant.

Actually, it is not fair for young boys not to get involved with their girlfriend's situation. It is so easy for them to walk away from their girlfriend.
Some teenagers are afraid of their parents because they would abuse them if they find out that their kids are pregnant.

Actually, it is not fair for young boys not to get involved with their girlfriend's situation. It is so easy for them to walk away from their girlfriend.
That's where problem coming from. A boy who manipulate a girl and claiming by empty word of saying I love you and etc..., then after sex, then walked out and suddenly found out she's preg., and saying "not problem", then he is not a man enough. True love is, if a guy stand by her and do every strength to help her. Most girls parents interfere, tho they are minor, but my POV, what a guy were involve and responsible, parents should let btwn him and her to work it out. If that guy has a heart for his gf, that is true love.
That's where problem coming from. A boy who manipulate a girl and claiming by empty word of saying I love you and etc..., then after sex, then walked out and suddenly found out she's preg., and saying "not problem", then he is not a man enough. True love is, if a guy stand by her and do every strength to help her. Most girls parents interfere, tho they are minor, but my POV, what a guy were involve and responsible, parents should let btwn him and her to work it out. If that guy has a heart for his gf, that is true love.

I am with you on that! :)
No matter of fact I don't think it's wrong, Are they taken good care of those children? Do they respect and compassion those children? It takes a lot of courage to raise a lot of kids, if they give those kids a lot of love and caring, I don't see what's wrong with them having too many kids. ;)

What about respect for the earth and it's limited resources? Having too many children doesn't just affect the parents. However that's a different topic for a different day. I posted elsewhere that I think PREVENTION is better than CURE. The pregnancies should be prevented, not "cured."
For me, If I was female and get preggy so accident from BC then I would get abortion.
:eek: interesting link on abortions:

20-24 (33%)
25-29 (14%)
30 (8%)

Completed Education: Number of children:
12yrs(6%) 0 (73%)
High School(39%) 1 (14%)
13-14 years (26%) 2 (9%)
Bachelors (19%) 3 (4%)
Masters (4%) 3 (1%)

African-American 35%
White 33%
Hispanic 15%
Other 17%

Reason for abortion:
Mother's Health (3%)
Baby has possible health problem (3%)
Rape or Incest (1%)
Couldn't Afford Baby (21%)
Not ready for the Responsibility (21%)
Concerned how child would change lives (16%)
A relationship problem (12%)
Not mature enough (11%)
Had all the children they wanted (8%)
Other (4%)

Who does abortion affect
Reason for abortion:
Mother's Health (3%)
Baby has possible health problem (3%)
Rape or Incest (1%)
Couldn't Afford Baby (21%)
Not ready for the Responsibility (21%)
Concerned how child would change lives (16%)
A relationship problem (12%)
Not mature enough (11%)
Had all the children they wanted (8%)
Other (4%)

Who does abortion affect

Couldn't afford baby, not ready for responsibility, concerned how child would change lives, relationship problem, not mature enough, had all the children they wanted

Couldn't afford baby, not ready for responsibility, concerned how child would change lives, relationship problem, not mature enough, had all the children they wanted


How are those lame excuses? Those women (and hopefully their partners) were pretty wise in knowing those things BEFORE making the mistake of having the baby and realizing it after it was too late.
How are those lame excuses? Those women (and hopefully their partners) were pretty wise in knowing those things BEFORE making the mistake of having the baby and realizing it after it was too late.

Send them for adoption, or they could just have a condom or pregnancy pills, or something. There's lot of things they can do better than abortion.
Send them for adoption, or they could just have a condom or pregnancy pills, or something. There's lot of things they can do better than abortion.

How many adopted kids do you have? Are you aware of how many unwanted children are already out there, and are stuck in the foster care system and have no real homes? People are so quick to suggest adoption.

Also, I agree everyone who is sexually active should be on some form of birth control, along with condoms. However these are not 100%. They fail. Not as often as some people who don't use them properly like to say they do, but they DO fail.
How many adopted kids do you have? Are you aware of how many unwanted children are already out there, and are stuck in the foster care system and have no real homes? People are so quick to suggest adoption.

I understand what you mean, the overpopulation problem. It doesn't mean we have to kill the children, we can use condom or pregnancy pill to stop the overpopulation. But if people ignore that and became pregnant, it's their fault, ALWAYS parent's fault to abort or send the children to foster parents.

Also, I agree everyone who is sexually active should be on some form of birth control, along with condoms. However these are not 100%. They fail. Not as often as some people who don't use them properly like to say they do, but they DO fail.

Yeah, they only success at 80 percent to stop pregnancy.

So, neither sending the children to foster parents or abort the unborn baby is always a big shame on parents.