AOFrozen City 2.0 Information


New Member
May 9, 2004
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Hey dudes,

I work on AOFrozen City 2.0 since 10-23-04. It will have cool features, powerful scripts and more security. It is faster. I tested the page. It was open in 0.00543 secs. I play with layout styles. So, I can pick a better one of them for AOFrozen City 2.0. It will be released on this summer. I know it's long because I need to make sure all perfect and complete scripts.

Today, AOFrozen City 1.0 has about 10,000 media files in database.

My goal: AOFrozen City 2.0 will have more than 100,000 media files in database such as flash games and movies, funny movies and images, musics, joke texts and more.

If AOFrozen City has more than one million media files in server computers and database then I will have a party with my friends for one million media files =-].


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Big Threat

AOFrozen City 2.0 will HAVE BIG THREAT to because it has all flash games and movies from NG. Plus, it collects more flash games and movies from other sites too. It will be about 70,000+ of flash files. AOFrozen City 2.0's policy doesn't allow any popups at all. It is good for modem and cable (high speed internet) because it's layout doesn't use graphics (big size) so much.

Newground :rifle: AOFrozen City 2.0
And... how do you plan on covering everything? Newgrounds gets so many visitors that they need to be able to pay for it. I'm sure you'll run into the same problem as they do.

If you really want to beat Newgrounds, then I suggest you make your website more categorized. Recently, I remembered seeing the 9/11 Pentagon video. It took me a while to find it since I didn't know where to work. Newgrounds has just about everything categorized. Some items fall under multiple categories and Newgrounds still has them organized.

I still work on bot engineering program to collect all flash movies and games. It can organize all them in database as categories automatically. Also, it can read summaries, comments. rating, score and everything from and other sites which have flash games and movies. After that, I can edit some categories and add new categories. AOFrozen City 2.0 will be better than for no popups, categories, search engine and less graphic layout (less size), which is good for modem and cable (high speed internet). Also, other bot program (BETA) can collect more than 10,000 funny images and movies from many sites. I tested the bot program. It worked well. I still want to improve it better and more powerful. Later it can crawl as multitasks and run on many servers as teamwork by communicating via network. If the bot program is complete then it will make tons of media files in databse such as more than 100,000+. I will develop bot program that can read everything (html and javascript) and write summaries from news sites and add links to them for more details. My goal is: AOFrozen City will have 98% of bot program that works for me. Only 2% of my work is to check if the site is okay, improving scripts and check violating members.
Wow, that site you have AO is awesome! I think you've done quite a good job on it.:) **Clap** Keep working on it, and im sure you'll get alot of hits. Peace
AOFrozen City 2.0 update

I will build multidatabases for networks and other stuff. "multidatabases" means visitor requests information - profile, images, movies and etc. - from database which is available and not heavy traffic. If a database is heavy traffic and slow then visitor's resquest will be sent to other database automically, which is available and not heavy traffic. Plus, if database is dead then there are other backup databases and AOFrozen City will be not down. So, AOFrozen City will be not slow and visitors don't need to wait for response for about one min.

When AOFrozen City has more than about 15 million rows then I will have to install Oracle database. It's is very expensive :-/

Thank you for visiting my site :D
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New layouts

What do you think which one is better?

Also, you can see other layouts from the first post (top).


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AOFrozen City 2 database has more than 150,000 rows in database such as flash movies and games, slang dictionary, funny movies and images and more. It is still growing =) AOFrozen City 2 isn't public yet. It is still under construction until fall 2005.
If your stealing content from other sites (flash games and such), umm copyright? :)

All aren't copyrighted and illegal. They are public. Also, AOFrozen City 2 doesn't claim them. It got stuff from other sites. They are public like open source. It is not called "stealing". They provide resources to anyone.
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Now, AOFrozen City 2 database has more than 225,000 rows of flash, movies, images, slang words and other. It is still growing rapidly =) I will try my best to make more than 1 million rows in database before fall 2005.
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Looks like you're lacking in the artistic style, but expert in the programming part? What programming language are you specialized in?

Are you familar using PHP/mySQL?

Im a creative director and might need someone with programming experience like yourself.

Let me know...

I am familiar with PHP and MySQL, but I am not very expert. Also, I know how to write in actionscript language (flash macromedia) well. I am still learning PHP and MySQL since March 2004. Now, I am studying MySQL cluster. It can run slave and master servers for backup and load balance. I am sorry that I can't help now because I have a huge project for AOFrozen City 2. I have to write many functions and classes of codes and test many new functions =/. After the huge project, I can help you.
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AOFrozen City 2.0 beta update

AOFrozen City 2.0 beta has slang dictionary beta. It has about 270,000 definitions. It is still growing and not complete. Also, AOFrozen City 2 will scan all bible books soon for search and category. I will try to write a new source of community forum because I want AOFrozen City scripts that can control and update the community forum with information such as news (cnn, fox and other news company.), jokes and other subjects automatically by bot programs running. Also, AOFrozen City will have a security bot to control all forums to protect abuses and spams. When the community forum works well, I can install deaf networks plugin in the community forum system.

AOFrozen City 2.0 beta has 355,000 information in database now :D


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Sorry, I decide that AOFrozen City 2 deadline is suspended for some reasons, but it still gets improved better and I work on it.

I am working on Unlimited Flash site ( before AOFrozen City 2 because I have all flash files in storage server. So, I can use them for Unlimited Flash site. When I finish it then I will work back on AOFrozen City 2.