Anyone with arthritis/gout condition?

The gout is too blurry this moment...

Let me explain, my doctor told my parents that I had gout which it start 15's year old. They told that it had do with infection but later in time realized it isn't not infection. The behave like gout is not always on your foot. It can be on ankle, knee, hip and worse part is arm and hand. Why it is worse part, it will show like puss out as pimple, yea it gross to know about that part.

What it can be avoid? The shellfish is the primary high acid include the orange juice. Keep that mind, the orange juice is clean while the Shellfish can harm such as we notice that label with warning can cause our health. It similar that part in other way.

It not always being food, it include the kidney. Why is that kidney also other issue? Due the Kidney keep your body wash that waste go to bladder, if it not function proper and it will return back that lead attack the joint bone that make awful day and painful.

The pill is the answer? No, it is not.. it our practice that we gotta to stop eat the fungi (mushroom or blue cheese) and Shellfish (that sea creature that has shell such as clam, shrimp, crab or lobster). Those are high chance to get serious painful which pain killer couldn't cover that pain.

Keep that mind, write that journal if you have odd pain even you took that pill and kept attacking your pain joint, please write down and what did you ate that those 48 hours.

To reduce that issue, ALWAYS eat the smoothies such as cherries or barriers are the best way to reduce that gout behave.
Best to discuss what I CANNOT eat. For someone with gout, organ meats and red meats are definitely out of the question. I have heard some people say that red wine can irritate gout, but I have never confirmed that nor do I find that my gout flares when I drink red wine. There may be other foods that are not recommended, but I am only aware of the two mentioned above.

Yes, it is true about those meats due the cook should be well done. If there are some blood or juice. It can affect the kidney become not proper function and return into body system that lead attack.

About the wine, yes due it still uric acid crystal. It is a little rock very thin, it can show blood test result. Again, it can lead to kidney stone due not enough water to able kidney to flush those thing out into your bladder to waste the deposital.

The blood can harm the bones of our body due of urin acid crystal. Similar as the teeth stuck food between after eat the meal. It hard to remove under the tissue skin while teeth that you can use toothbrush or floss.

Make sense that can affect?

You can look up which food group that has high ACID, but remember Shellfish is primary highest overall than another food or drink.

Speaking of food and drink; cranberry juice can harm the kidney even the label or television commerical say it good for our kidney but result it isn't.

Any question about GOUT or Kidney. I am more happy to answer...
hello, I am deaf and I got rheumatoid arthritis when I was 21 year old (2001). I knew it painful now i take medicine. Not really pain much, sometime got painful stiff mostly my wrist, hand, shoulder, fingers, sometime my ankle and knee. I am happy married life with my hubby. He always care of me because he don't want me carry heavy stuff or something. He always help me if i need help.
I am sorry to hear that some of you suffered from Gout/arthritis. I know it is NOT fun because my mother went thru, too. She had arthritis in her both knees and also, she had total knee replacements on both knees. She said her knees are still not improved after her physical therapy (after one year). She has to use the walker to support that and plus, she walks slowly. She is still frustrated by this. I feel so bad for her because of that and that she got generic from her parents.
My sister has arthritis on her both knees, too but her PCP forced her to lose some weight, which she did. She said a little better. That's good to hear.
Mine is not yet (*Knock on wood!*) but I do have bunion near my big toe. I must avoid wearing tight, narrow, or high-heeled shoes that can put pressure on the big toe joint and so, I have to wear comfortable shoes like Easy Spirit. I am OK, tho.
Gout is a form of arthritis -- an inflammation of the joints -- that causes sudden, severe attacks of pain, tenderness, redness, warmth, and swelling in some joints. It usually affects one joint at a time although it can be in several joints at once.

The large toe is most often affected, but gout can also affect other joints in the leg -- such as the knee, ankle, and foot -- and, less often, joints in the arm including the hand, wrist, fingers, and elbow. The spine is almost never affected.
Gout? Eeek. My late grandmother and dad had a gout. They were told to avoid spinach, bean and mushroom, because they are high in protein and purines.