anyone use PalmOne Treo650?

i would like to have relay service on my treo, but i'm on verizon wireless.

u still can use screename on which relay service offer to talk on AIM.

Sprint's sn is SprintIP
Ip-relay's sn is MyIPRelay

and more.. I dunno. :D
yeah i have many of relays on my aim.. thanks tho..

I'm looking for itself relay service program here.
yeah i have many of relays on my aim.. thanks tho..

I'm looking for itself relay service program here.

so far, I know there is no such an application available for Treo during very few deaf people own Treo. And I know that I also don't like AIM system as relay service during slow communication from AIM to operation to telephone.

I'm try to find right ShSh terminal program to work with ip-relay to make truly reply program itself like I had on my nokia which faster I able to use.