Anyone here that sign with both hands rather than dominant hand?

After researching a little. I think mine is what you called "cross-dominance." One of various of ambidex.

That made more sense. Because I knew I am not completely ambidex. and yet I used my left hand for certain tasks while depending on right hand to write and draw.

So it's all good. :)
After researching a little. I think mine is what you called "cross-dominance." One of various of ambidex.

That made more sense. Because I knew I am not completely ambidex. and yet I used my left hand for certain tasks while depending on right hand to write and draw.

So it's all good. :)

I think I'm also one of those people who's cross-dominant. For example, I prefer to use my left hand to steer the car or my bike. I haven't forgotten the time I sprained my left shoulder at my parent's farm; it was quite an ordeal driving 110 miles back home with me using my right hand instead.

I also prefer to navigate WoW (an on line game FYI) using my left hand.

I can draw and write with either hand. I keep thinking everyone will notice the difference but most people don't notice that. That said, I use my right hand most of the time.

I've no doubt that I could cut and chop veggies with no problem using my left hand though I haven't tried that yet.
Cool. You seem more advanaced than mine since I can't draw on left hand. It's too messy for my own taste and I am a picky artist though.

I remember one time the art teacher asked the class to write something using opposite hand and she walked around and looked at my paper. She asked me if I was ambidex. lol
I don't know why she thought that way. I can tell that handwriting on left hand look little shaky. But then again, I write very messy with right hand, up to the point that I can't read my own paper sometimes. But luckily I can force myself to write neat, but it's quite tiring, lol.

I always remember growing up where my family often scowled me for not writing neater. It's frustrating that I could not write neater, I think only when I began learn how to draw is when I learned how to write neater without straining myself too much.

Drawing does help improve your handwriting and patience as well.

I just think watching people with left hand or ambidex is quite interesting since they don't follow 80% of the society.
My hubby is left handed and he switches back and forth all the time while we are having conversations. He does so many different things with his right and left hands it can be mind boggeling. I wouldn't worry. If I can get used to him switching back and forth and I am hearing............then I'm fairly confident that people will do fine communicating with you. :cool:
I'm left handed, but can and often do use my right hand just as well. Not sure if I switch back and forth while signing, maybe because I don't have anyone to sign with nowadays and my ASL is slowly disappearing.