anyone have facebook?

my mom has facebook and shes 41! lol
Sure, I had one since I was at RIT and love to try out applications and I used to be in several thousand groups until they made people have a maxium of 200 groups, so I took a lot of time to quit groups.:lol:
Facebook sucks, because you can find out your friend connecting to someone else to be their friend. What a big nosey!

Well yea, u are right, therefore any networking social website sucks ;)
I have facebook and am much older than 41. LOL, LOL. I go to school and graduate in Dec. so I have it to keep in touch with the young people I've met. I would love to see where they are in 20-30 years from now, if I'm still around. LOL.
My son told me I was "too old" for Facebook. :slap:

My nieces encouraged me to try Facebook and I did. I find that it is fun and have lots of applications and I am old at 61. I am going to have my birthday coming up this Friday, November 9 and I will be 62 years old and still have fun with Facebook which I have a lot of applications. Your son is wrong and anybody can do Facebook if they want to or not. :cool2:
i have both facebook and myspace, and try to log onto both as often as I can, but not daily.
I have both myspace and facebook. I am starting to use myspace more and more but facebook less. That reminds me..better go and check it!:giggle:
I have both but i use facebook more than myspace cuz all of my friends uses it. its a great website for networking. before facebook I didn't have much contact with my relatives (cousins, aunts uncle etc) but now I have almost all of them ( I have like over 40 cousins so i dont have them all yet lol)

as for the name thing you dot have to put ur full name in you can just make up a name and last name but its makes it harder for people who may have known you from years ago to find you. many ppl just put first name and first letter of last name.

as for the contact thing, people dont just add you, they have to have your permission to let them add you. so if you dont know them dont add them its that simple. although you can set it to automaticly let other ppl add you, but not alot of ppl have that set up for their profile.

simple said i love facebook period!
I tried to get my facey to working ANYWAY I am laughing my azz off because I just joined recently on facebook I went like *scoff* why am I doing that!? lol Oh well.
I have myspace, facebook even tagdeaf too but i don't really surf thru those sites that much since I'm always out blah lol