anyone from wisconsin and went to wsd?

Used to went to WSD in 89 to 92. Grew up Wisconsin right by Lake Michigan but dont live in Wis anymore. I m move out of Western area with DF and children.
Mommyof3 said:
Used to went to WSD in 89 to 92. Grew up Wisconsin right by Lake Michigan but dont live in Wis anymore. I m move out of Western area with DF and children.

hmm do u know who steven lepak??? he enrolled in wsd in 1992
i know who steven lepak!!!!!! lol i also know who roger is o.O i graduated from WSD :-P been living in wisc all of my life till nov 2004 then moved to ohio
SpiceHD said:
i know who steven lepak!!!!!! lol i also know who roger is o.O i graduated from WSD :-P been living in wisc all of my life till nov 2004 then moved to ohio
ofc u do know who steven lepak lol but i dunno who roger is...*shrugs* :mrgreen: and also steven wanna to let u know that he will going to custom make his own computer lol and to play eve dunno when he will finish make the computer and plus dunno when will start to play eve...but i will let u know when he do that heh
I used to live in Racine, Watertown and Fort Atkinson in Wisconsin, but now live in Oklahoma. Mommy of 3, you said you used to live right by Lake Michigan. Which town did you live in? I used to live in two story old house right in front of Lake Michigan in Racine. The breeze that was coming from the lake through front door to the back door was awesome! I didn't need to use air condition.
Peachy Lady said:
I used to live in Racine, Watertown and Fort Atkinson in Wisconsin, but now live in Oklahoma. Mommy of 3, you said you used to live right by Lake Michigan. Which town did you live in? I used to live in two story old house right in front of Lake Michigan in Racine. The breeze that was coming from the lake through front door to the back door was awesome! I didn't need to use air condition.

yea...i live in milwaukee and i sometime can smell the lake michigan and smell awful with those sea smell bleh!!!!!!!! but important that i am with my fiance hehee :giggle:
DzRikku said:
yea...i live in milwaukee and i sometime can smell the lake michigan and smell awful with those sea smell bleh!!!!!!!! but important that i am with my fiance hehee :giggle:

I've fished since I was a toddler, so I am used to fish smell of the lake. It's not strong smell of fish though. Lake Michigan is not salt water, so it's not sea, let u know. If you go to Deaf Fest at Summerfest in Milwaukee, you will enjoy it. They have it on last Saturday of June every year. They have deaf performance with DJ music, etc. Lots of deaf ppl go there.
Peachy Lady said:
I've fished since I was a toddler, so I am used to fish smell of the lake. It's not strong smell of fish though. Lake Michigan is not salt water, so it's not sea, let u know. If you go to Deaf Fest at Summerfest in Milwaukee, you will enjoy it. They have it on last Saturday of June every year. They have deaf performance with DJ music, etc. Lots of deaf ppl go there.
wow it sound amazing and fun!! thanks for let me know so i can take my fiance with me and go there and enjoy the day at there cuz i never go there before...heh thanks again! it wud be my first time cuz i only live here for one yr and moved to michigan for few weeks and recently moved back here pffty lol
LOL its a nice town full of friendly peeps. maybe if u look in wisc map.. u'll notice it on western wisc area.. maybe a bit north will help too.. its only hour and half away from twin cities (as known as minneapolis/st. paul surround area)
I used to lived up I 43 from Milwaukee within 45 min. You probably know one city who always Famous Fishing boat, Yacht, and Sailer. Yea, Smelly Dead Fish with White Foam from Lake Michigan. Ugh! yucky!!!!!!
He joined 1992 of Fall and 1993 of Winter? If so, I dont know him... sorry.
Mommyof3 said:
He joined 1992 of Fall and 1993 of Winter? If so, I dont know him... sorry.

he joined 1992 of fall then stay at wsd until he graduted
hey i went there every year deaffest.. it is FUN....I ll be more than glad to take u two there ifu want me to :)
SpiceHD said:
hey i went there every year deaffest.. it is FUN....I ll be more than glad to take u two there ifu want me to :)

heh it wud be great heh :laugh2: