Anyone ever just throw the HA out and be deaf?

You talking about the deaf people or hearing people who refuse to learn sign language?? or both sides?

I think deaf and hearing people alike are guilty of this.

Hearing people are guilty of this when they don't accommodate a deaf person by communicating in a manner that can be understood. (i.e. terp, lipreading, written communication, etc.)

Deaf people are guilty of this when they expect hearing people to automatically know what is expected of them when it comes to communication.
You won't like being hard-of-hearing or deaf if you got tinnitus. There is nothing you can shut out the tinnitus once you hear it.

You also won't like it when people accuse you of having selective hearing, claim you can hear better than you actually do, ask you if you have your hearing aids turned on/up or sighing and/or shouting at you "I SAID...What are you DEAF?!" when you tell them you didn't hear what they said. It gets old real fast. Treasure your hearing because you may not have it someday.
Ok, so apparently in Canada we have less options with HA's than in the States, we don't have as many companies or any of the smaller companies (who still offer some analog aids) and my audi says I can not get an analog, she only knows of one analog available and it is for profoundly deaf, which I am creeping towards but still on the end of the severely deaf category. so, I gave her back my digital and she will return it and I will be trying another digital. She says there are a few I can try if need be. she tells me I have no choice basically but to go to digital and realizes that it is a huge transition and adjustment for me. Yup, that was my morning.

I'm not an audi and I don't live in Canada, but I highly doubt that what you were told is true. You may have less of a selection than we do here in the U.S., but that doesn't mean there aren't several analog aids you can choose from. If I were you, I would get a second opinion from another audi. Audis who tell their clients that they cannot buy analog aids really rub me the wrong way. :mad2:
Yes, I am such a peaceful mellow gal, but I was actually arguing with my audi today. Thanks, I think I will make some phone calls tomorrow....
Ok, so apparently in Canada we have less options with HA's than in the States, we don't have as many companies or any of the smaller companies (who still offer some analog aids) and my audi says I can not get an analog, she only knows of one analog available and it is for profoundly deaf, which I am creeping towards but still on the end of the severely deaf category. so, I gave her back my digital and she will return it and I will be trying another digital. She says there are a few I can try if need be. she tells me I have no choice basically but to go to digital and realizes that it is a huge transition and adjustment for me. Yup, that was my morning.

Why the digitals is on the rise? Are they trying to push us toward the CI option??
Yes, I am such a peaceful mellow gal, but I was actually arguing with my audi today. Thanks, I think I will make some phone calls tomorrow....

Good. I hope you do because I think your audi is being unethical by saying you have to purchase digital aids. That simply is not true.
Thanks for watching my back Hear Again, seems you got it covered lately, and I tell ya, it feels good.
Good. I hope you do because I think your audi is being unethical by saying you have to purchase digital aids. That simply is not true.

well, i am inclined to agree that it could be unsound to push digitals, actually upon reading this thread i have began to wonder if the tinnitus i have now may not eventuated if i hadnt went to digital HA 6 years ago, the tinntus began about 3 years ago. It hard to say, but i do wonder if this didnt wasnt provoked if i had stayed with analog. and i do know this i can get an analog HA for quite significantly cheaper $500, and i just might do this. I might, hell id ask the hossy if they have a loaner for me to try...its like id do anything to get rid or lower the tinnitus, its bloody difficult to mask it as Buffalo mentioned. it is terrible, pure hell!
those who decide to go back, tell us your experience :) you'll never know what we might learn from this.

I know what you mean as far as tinnitus is concerned. My CI surgeon recommended that I sleep with one CI on. I did that last night and played talk radio at a soft volume. It worked like a charm although sleeping with my CI on was uncomfortable.
Thanks for watching my back Hear Again, seems you got it covered lately, and I tell ya, it feels good.

I'm glad I could help! I hate to see people being misled by audis who only care about selling the latest digital hearing aid.

Let us know what the second audi says about getting an analog aid. Good luck! :)
I think Lighthouse is referring to analog aids.

yes, that's what I meant.

I really curious if I'm the only one who did much better after going back to analog or if I am just an analog addict (or loudness addict as my audiologist would call me)

but I like listening to musics. I hated how digital handle musics (and church preaching too).
I really curious if I'm the only one who did much better after going back to analog or if I am just an analog addict (or loudness addict as my audiologist would call me)

Nope, you're not the only one. I couldn't benefit from digital aids because they made speech distorted and difficult to understand.

Don't feel bad. One of my hearing aid audis called me a power junkie. :giggle:
What do CIs have to do with audis pushing digital aids?

It seems that digital aids is on the rise and I think somebody here had a hard time finding analog aids. I have tried digital aids and I didn't like it all as it sounds so muffle and too soft. I need to hear crisp and clear sounds. What if they decided to do away with analog aids??? When I bought my latest set of hearing aids, I want the same kind as the last one.. I had to hunt for it as my usual hearing aid store doesn't stock it anymore.