Any one else have Issues with Apartment Complex Maintaince keying in ?

lock and load

keeping unlocked and loaded guns in a home are too much a liability issue these days. if someone breaks into your home and your gun is stolen and used in a crime you can become liable for the death !!! dems the laws these days. that is pretty much why i dont keep guns in my house. even the police get targeted to have their guns stolen believe it or not. i know that shotgun that was stolen from me wont get back to me but feel responsible about it still.
reba,,,dont you think talking about your guns online kind of sets you up? another reason i dont like to put any info about myself online, never know who reads your details.
keeping unlocked and loaded guns in a home are too much a liability issue these days. if someone breaks into your home and your gun is stolen and used in a crime you can become liable for the death !!! dems the laws these days. that is pretty much why i dont keep guns in my house. even the police get targeted to have their guns stolen believe it or not. i know that shotgun that was stolen from me wont get back to me but feel responsible about it still.
We lock our guns in the gun safe when we leave the house. Also, we have no children living at home.

reba,,,dont you think talking about your guns online kind of sets you up? another reason i dont like to put any info about myself online, never know who reads your details.
Do you know my real name and address? No. Besides, most houses in my neighborhood have guns, too, so it's nothing special here.
dont need a gun for protection. an ax is a lot more handy. f you had a gun you would first have to find the key to unlock the lock on the gun which is the law. then you have to find the ammo then you have to chase the robber down the street cuz he got out with all our cash while you were trying to get your gunlock open. i used to have my guns in the house but no more, the one beak in took a shotgun and who knows where that is now.
best protection is to have a plan in your mind before you need it. dogs are great to have, but i was robbed when i was out walking the dog !! around here it is mostly kids, teens and they will talk with each other about likely targets.

I had apartment in Ca. and I could see my bedroom from the kitchen window. I was washing dishes while my baby was taking a nap, she slept in my room. My bedroom was at back of the apartment and the door opened to the back yard. I was washing some dishes and I happen to look up and saw 3 young men starting to go into my bedroom with my baby sleeping! I grabbed the biggest kitchen knife I had and ran at the guys yelling like a MAD LADY!
These 3 guy where taller and a hell of a lot stronger than me, but when they saw me coming at them they ran off! I would had used that knife if one guy harmed a hair on my baby head! The guys never cames back. I think they when to the front door and to see if anyone was home ,and I was not able to hear them . So they thought they would be able break into my bedroom and rob me . I brought my own home after this happen and got a dog!
Do you know my real name and address? No. Besides, most houses in my neighborhood have guns, too, so it's nothing special here.
you are asking an experienced stalker :shock: lets see. you are an interpreter. do it in a church. a military brat and and do a lot of shooting. also i hacked into your computer and am using your web cam to spy on you- better clean up that mess in the kitchen
Wow scary stories! This reminds me of the time my BF and I lived in IL and was moving to FL to have our house built years ago. In the meantime, we had to rent an apartment while waiting for it to be built. We found an apartment online while in IL. Went through the process. We were accepted. Signed lease via Fax. My BF told them that I am deaf and to let us know if the maintenance men would be coming in advance. They didn't like it. We went back and forth on that issue.

Moving day arrived! We got to Florida with the moving truck and car in behind. Arrived to the apartment complex office to get our keys only to be told they wouldn't be renting it to us. It was because of my deafness. They didn't want to deal with it and turned us away! Needless to say...WE WERE FURIOUS!!!!!! We had no where to go! We got a motel for few days while we searched for another apartment and found one.

My BF decided to sue them! They eventually settled out of court and paid us what we went through. What an experience.
you are asking an experienced stalker :shock: lets see. you are an interpreter. do it in a church. a military brat and and do a lot of shooting. also i hacked into your computer and am using your web cam to spy on you- better clean up that mess in the kitchen

This is just purely reprehensible!
This is just purely reprehensible!

I am afraid that you don't think reprehensible means "silly joke."

Because of course it doesn't. But I believe DDU was making what is known as a humorous little scenario with no relation to reality. :cool2:
I am afraid that you don't think reprehensible means "silly joke."

Because of course it doesn't. But I believe DDU was making what is known as a humorous little scenario with no relation to reality. :cool2:

I get that it could be a joke, but still, it was in poor taste in my mind.

Maybe I am just not cut out for this forum anymore.
Wow scary stories! This reminds me of the time my BF and I lived in IL and was moving to FL to have our house built years ago. In the meantime, we had to rent an apartment while waiting for it to be built. We found an apartment online while in IL. Went through the process. We were accepted. Signed lease via Fax. My BF told them that I am deaf and to let us know if the maintenance men would be coming in advance. They didn't like it. We went back and forth on that issue.

Moving day arrived! We got to Florida with the moving truck and car in behind. Arrived to the apartment complex office to get our keys only to be told they wouldn't be renting it to us. It was because of my deafness. They didn't want to deal with it and turned us away! Needless to say...WE WERE FURIOUS!!!!!! We had no where to go! We got a motel for few days while we searched for another apartment and found one.

My BF decided to sue them! They eventually settled out of court and paid us what we went through. What an experience.

I am glad you sued the jerks! I was going torent apartmenton the scecond floor of a house and the landlord told the his others tenants on that floor a baby was moving in and the tenants did not want to have a baby living next door to them! So Ihad to move in on the first floor and I did not feel as safe in the apartment . One night I playing with my baby and saw a guy looking into my window!! I freaked out as I had no idea no longe the ass been there. I slept at some friends apartment that and I moved out a month later and did not tell the landlord I was moving.I was so pissed off that he did let me have the apartment on the second floor that was a lot safer for a HOH mother and a baby.
you are asking an experienced stalker :shock: lets see. you are an interpreter. do it in a church. a military brat and and do a lot of shooting. also i hacked into your computer and am using your web cam to spy on you- better clean up that mess in the kitchen
That's a pretty good trick since I don't have a web cam.

Also, I was not a military brat.

Doing lots of shooting is not unique in South Carolina. ;)

Mess in the kitchen? Obviously the wrong house. :giggle:

You better go back to stalker school. :lol:
I soo wish we could move already ! But we just lost everything we owned and our Life's savings because the house we were living in in Canada was poisonous :(

I just drove close to 4000 miles with a husband and two cats to be back in the country with the ADA. LOL Trust me, if it comes down to that I WILL make use of it ! I try to choose my battles rather carefully, i just wish there weren't so many to choose from !

Whatdidyousay! - Sorry you had to sue those idiots but glad you did ! We have to stick up for our rights like that unfortunatly.

Right now, I'm trying hard to consider this the "Perils of having to go first", But I hope if I do end up moving it'll be after I've met some other Deafies in the area and I can move into a place i didn't have to go first !

We will see what happens Monday :P
I soo wish we could move already ! But we just lost everything we owned and our Life's savings because the house we were living in in Canada was poisonous :(

I just drove close to 4000 miles with a husband and two cats to be back in the country with the ADA. LOL Trust me, if it comes down to that I WILL make use of it ! I try to choose my battles rather carefully, i just wish there weren't so many to choose from !

Whatdidyousay! - Sorry you had to sue those idiots but glad you did ! We have to stick up for our rights like that unfortunatly.

Right now, I'm trying hard to consider this the "Perils of having to go first", But I hope if I do end up moving it'll be after I've met some other Deafies in the area and I can move into a place i didn't have to go first !

We will see what happens Monday :P
wavedancer, it was MangaReaderthat had to sues the idiots , I was telling her that I was glad she did it. I think that was horrible what happen to her !
keeping unlocked and loaded guns in a home are too much a liability issue these days. if someone breaks into your home and your gun is stolen and used in a crime you can become liable for the death !!! dems the laws these days. that is pretty much why i dont keep guns in my house. even the police get targeted to have their guns stolen believe it or not. i know that shotgun that was stolen from me wont get back to me but feel responsible about it still.
reba,,,dont you think talking about your guns online kind of sets you up? another reason i dont like to put any info about myself online, never know who reads your details.

Really? If someone steals another person's gun and uses it for a killing, the owner is held liable?
Really? If someone steals another person's gun and uses it for a killing, the owner is held liable? far as I do know...if your gun/rifle gets stolen, you are to make a police report right away!....Don't hesitate.
Argh ! :mad:

I wish I could say the situation was much improved, but it's prolly worse.

They were supposed to come on Monday at 1:30. They were suposed to call before they came. I waited until 3pm. After 4 phone calls to the office, 2 of which were hung up on, I went storming over there.

They apoligized profusely. Said the numbers I gave them were wrong, so they told the man not to come. Said they didn't know it was my calling by relay. (I'd told them I would be calling by relay). I'm confused. I'm not sure waht the relay operator says when begining a relay call, but i'm pretty sure it involves telling the person on the other end it's a "relay" call, Unless you tell them not to. I was also pretty sure dailing the 10 digit local numbers for relay was pretty much the same as making a regular phone call ? ( I have an i711 and a Purple number)

Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong !

She offered to send the maintaince man right away. He showed up in the office while I was there, saying he had to ask the apartment manger if it was ok to put in a keyless deabolt.

Apartment manger spoke very quickly, finally wrote down that they preferred to use a contracted locksmith, said I had a deadbolt and I wanted a "Hotel Lock". Spoke very quickly again until i told her i was as Deaf as i was five minutes ago. Wrote down that i would have to sign a release statement or pay for lock and locksmith.

I lost it.

Told her, "There is a law called the American's with Disabilities Act, and I think that a keyless deadbolt is a perfectly reasonable acomedation."

EVERYTHING changed. They suddenly got real accomedating, until today.

They were supposed to have a locksmith put the lock in today. (Wens.) Instead maintaince came without calling first, and put in a hotel lock, which doesn't keep the door from opening.

I've about had it. Hubby suggests emailing the head office before what he calls, "whacking them with the ADA hammer". I'm not sure the email I have goes to the head office or the the manger here.

Any Idea's, suggestions, insights welcome :)

PS. Doors, and windows are secured, I has mechcanical abilities AND my own toolbox ! :giggle:
The things we have to go through just because we are's so unfair.

If only the world was reversed. Most of the population being deaf and few hearing people around. Wonder how that would turn out. Hehe.
I never had any problems in my apt.

If anyone needed to come in they simply called first and told me they'd be right up (within 5mins). I also had a doorbell with signaller so they'd ring the bell which would flash - and I'd see in every room (including the washroom).

In the 12+ years I lived there, never once did anyone come in without calling /ringing the bell first. (If I was going to be out during a time there might be someone come to do repairs etc I'd let the on-site land-lords/caretakers know and they'd know that if they called or rang the doorbell and I didn't answer it was safe to go in.)

Whenever someone was in the apt doing repairs they would either hang a "service" sign on the main door (so I'd see if coming in) or leave the door propped open with tools clearly noticeable the second I walked in.

It worked very well ... and they'd never had a Hoh or Deaf renter before.

PS Legally you DO have to pay for a special deadbolt if you want it - and you do have to have it installed by a professional. They don't have to do that as it's not a requirement, it's a favour . Legally they DO have the rite to enter your suite, they are only required to contact you providing WRITTEN notice 24hours in advance with a time stated.

Honestly - I'd recommend getting a doorbell that will work with any other visual signallers you may have - if you don't have anything - look into the sonic alert wired or wireless doorbell system -which is great.

Ask them to call or text you just as they are heading up ot your apt - most service places have cell phones now so they can call you. You can set it up so they just CALL your number and know that if you pick up, that you are home (even if you don't say anything).

ADA doesn't cover EVERYTHING - it covers reasonable accommodations.

I would write something out stating that because you are deaf, you require that for your own safety when ever they need to access your apt they:
Give written notice 24hours before with a reasonable "arrival window"
calling directly before arriving (or texting)
ringing a doorbell and giving you the chance to answer BEFORE they open the door etc

These are all reasonable accommodations that they should be able to follow.
I never had any problems in my apt.

If anyone needed to come in they simply called first and told me they'd be right up (within 5mins). I also had a doorbell with signaller so they'd ring the bell which would flash - and I'd see in every room (including the washroom).

In the 12+ years I lived there, never once did anyone come in without calling /ringing the bell first. (If I was going to be out during a time there might be someone come to do repairs etc I'd let the on-site land-lords/caretakers know and they'd know that if they called or rang the doorbell and I didn't answer it was safe to go in.)

Whenever someone was in the apt doing repairs they would either hang a "service" sign on the main door (so I'd see if coming in) or leave the door propped open with tools clearly noticeable the second I walked in.

It worked very well ... and they'd never had a Hoh or Deaf renter before.

I had to put a note on my door to tell people to please ring my door bell , some people knock on my door so softly my hearing dog does not hear the knock! It drive me crazy that one person that come to my home refuse to knock loudly, and he did not ring my door bell as he did not think I could hear it! Grrr, why would I tell people to ring my door bell if I could not hear it!
Hearing people can made go crazy something! I got upset with the guy for not knocking harder, I told him 3 x he need to do that.