Any good ASL youtube videos for toddlers?


New Member
Dec 30, 2011
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I signed up with DCMP (thanks, again, Kristina B. for making this resource known to me!), and have been watching Say, Sing and Sign Animals with our 2 year old grandson. Over, and over, and over. I'm tired of it.

I've looked for some kids songs with ASL on youtube, but I'd like to be sure the signing is accurate and ASL. Does anybody know of any good ones to recommend?

His favorite song is Old McDonald. The only one I found in ASL was a group of high school students who couldn't stop laughing while they sang and signed for their class.

Short stories, with both signing and voiceover would be good, too. He's hearing, but he's very interested in sign right now.
I signed up with DCMP (thanks, again, Kristina B. for making this resource known to me!), and have been watching Say, Sing and Sign Animals with our 2 year old grandson. Over, and over, and over. I'm tired of it.

I've looked for some kids songs with ASL on youtube, but I'd like to be sure the signing is accurate and ASL. Does anybody know of any good ones to recommend?

His favorite song is Old McDonald. The only one I found in ASL was a group of high school students who couldn't stop laughing while they sang and signed for their class.

Short stories, with both signing and voiceover would be good, too. He's hearing, but he's very interested in sign right now.
I have a YouTube video of my one year old daughter signing on her 1st birthday.
is Signing Time accurate? They have some cool songs on there with ASL... my neice loves the zoo song.
I signed up with DCMP (thanks, again, Kristina B. for making this resource known to me!), and have been watching Say, Sing and Sign Animals with our 2 year old grandson. Over, and over, and over. I'm tired of it.

I've looked for some kids songs with ASL on youtube, but I'd like to be sure the signing is accurate and ASL. Does anybody know of any good ones to recommend?

His favorite song is Old McDonald. The only one I found in ASL was a group of high school students who couldn't stop laughing while they sang and signed for their class.

Short stories, with both signing and voiceover would be good, too. He's hearing, but he's very interested in sign right now.

Maybe this one?

[ame=]Click, Clack, Moo - in ASL - YouTube[/ame]

Also, there are Signing Time videos on YouTube (like this snippet of a song about a farm: Signing Time! "Leah's Farm" - YouTube). The signs are ASL, but the word order (almost always) is not (it's typically either PSE or the key signs for the episode in question).

Must look for more true ASL stories... *goes off in search of some.*
Maybe this one?

Click, Clack, Moo - in ASL - YouTube

Also, there are Signing Time videos on YouTube (like this snippet of a song about a farm: Signing Time! "Leah's Farm" - YouTube). The signs are ASL, but the word order (almost always) is not (it's typically either PSE or the key signs for the episode in question).

Must look for more true ASL stories... *goes off in search of some.*

Ooh, thanks! Love it! There;s another cool one where Keith Wann performs Llama, Llama, Red Pajama.
i just found this site.

Children Literacy With ASL Joint Project Between callVRS and Project N.A.D.I.N.E.

we got our son a VRS when he was less than a year old. we didn't use it much - truth be told, we use it VERY infrequently - but expect to utilize it more as my son is elementary school age and communicating with his friends will come in handy.

there was a waiting list for VRS here's a link: Sorenson VRS® and i think we were the first (hearing) family to request one for a child actually - but the grant is for ALL Deaf folks. and my kid is Deaf.

i'll be checking out that site myself later today. *grin*

there are a series of books i used to borrow from teh Deaf school library - they were books interpreted into ASL - so it was a 'package' you borrowed - a video tape and book. (yup, video tape - so we have to keep one of those around, lol.) those were very interesting to me - because it actually helped me learn concepts and how to use classifiers. i basically would memorize the books and 'read' them to my son. taught me a lot actually. i am completely blanking out on the name of the group that does this - i think galludet has something to do wtih it, but i just don't remember - i'll send an email over to the deaf school admin and ask her what it is - because perhaps you could ask the local library system to request these for purchase if you don't live near a Deaf school or someone who has those materials for loan.
I was searching for 90s theme songs on YouTube today, and I managed to happen upon some full episodes of Rugrats that were ASL interpreted, and I felt like posting about them in this thread. If he weren't two and the videos weren't likely to be infringing on copyright, I'd totally post the links here, because I used to watch Rugrats ALL the time when I was a kid. (I might still be able to be coerced into sharing the links, anyway. :P)
Go to About CATS | Center for Accessible Technology in Sign and click on ELF. If you want videos go to Stories and rhymes. There are many videos including Sesame Street videos on YouTube that are signed.
Check out the ELF Vocabulary section for games.Enjoy

I am enjoying the old cartoons, although some of them are kind of strange (in goldilocks, papa bear ends up accidentally spanking mama bear).
My grandson has watched the zoo cartoon several times. Thanks!:ty: