any christian people out there?

VamPyroX said:
I'm not exactly what you would call... a "strong christian". It's just a matter of believing that there is something almighty out there.

true...important that ur a christian...heh and merry chirstmas to u! :)
VamPyroX said:
I'm not exactly what you would call... a "strong christian". It's just a matter of believing that there is something almighty out there.

i cant help but noticed ur profile that u love hell....umm i am little confused are u christian or not? i arent kind of judge person u know but just curious if u are or not that all :jaw:
hey i cant help it but noticed that u love hell umm i am confused are u christian or not? just wonder dont take this in wrong way but i arent kind of person who judge people ya know? just wonder
I don't want to label myself but let my actions speak for my beliefs/values for anyone could claim to be a Christian yet don't convey that in actions.

Thus I let others decide. I simply say I'm very spiritual and value my time with God highly and hope I'm a living example of His Word.
Meg said:
I don't want to label myself but let my actions speak for my beliefs/values for anyone could claim to be a Christian yet don't convey that in actions.

Thus I let others decide. I simply say I'm very spiritual and value my time with God highly and hope I'm a living example of His Word.

Same here. I am keeping it quiet. It is between Lord and me. Let Him decide whether my heart speak truth or not instead of announce I am christian, feel aliek I am being fake to Jesus Christ every time I say this word.
I believe everybody is an christian no matter what unless you are serial killer,rapist or something like that.. that's different stories.. All of us make alot of mistakes.. nobody can't be so PERFECT..

We are the god's childerns.. God don't care what we been doing unless you follow your own paths, or whatever is that.. Once you make a mistakes.. you learn a BIG lesson..

People would take a time to learn thier mistakes... once again nobody isn't perfect but i believe everybody out the people is christian..

Well, Im not sure if I can be considered Christian or not.... I was raised and confirmed Methodist, but I believe more in Evolution than what the churches teach. I think the truths of the bible are not in it's literal explanations, but lie deeper. I don't believe one needs to go to church to believe in God. I do believe in God, but not in a way that anyone would consider common. I live my life to be true to myself and to be a good person, and at times look to God to help give me strength or to thank Him for what we have around us. I am not afraid of death or my judgement, even though people may see my belief as sacrilege, but if that time comes and God feels I am undeserving, at least I feel comfort knowing in my heart I remained true to myself and am a good person.

Im sorry, I don't know if what I said makes sense, but it's hard for me to explain.
Meg said:
I don't want to label myself but let my actions speak for my beliefs/values for anyone could claim to be a Christian yet don't convey that in actions.

Thus I let others decide. I simply say I'm very spiritual and value my time with God highly and hope I'm a living example of His Word.
Ditto but I am not going to let others decide... I am going to let God and Jesus decide.

But again, I resigned from Christianity. I have a very good reason but I still practice what God and Jesus preached.
Hi Sasha I am Debra, praise be onto the Lord I shell be 43 on Tuesday and I would just like to say that is is truly a blessing to be among sisters and brothers in Christ.
Praise God and stay blessed.
SimpleMan said:
Well, Im not sure if I can be considered Christian or not.... I was raised and confirmed Methodist, but I believe more in Evolution than what the churches teach. I think the truths of the bible are not in it's literal explanations, but lie deeper. I don't believe one needs to go to church to believe in God. I do believe in God, but not in a way that anyone would consider common. I live my life to be true to myself and to be a good person, and at times look to God to help give me strength or to thank Him for what we have around us. I am not afraid of death or my judgement, even though people may see my belief as sacrilege, but if that time comes and God feels I am undeserving, at least I feel comfort knowing in my heart I remained true to myself and am a good person.

Im sorry, I don't know if what I said makes sense, but it's hard for me to explain.

U do not need apologize, I understood u perfectly. :) Only you know not others to judge u for what ur heart telling you.

Myheartloves said:
Hi Sasha I am Debra, praise be onto the Lord I shell be 43 on Tuesday and I would just like to say that is is truly a blessing to be among sisters and brothers in Christ.
Praise God and stay blessed.

wow! when is ur b day? mine will be feb 27 will be 22 old woman lol ;) what did u do on christmas and new year eve??? just wonder heh
Tousi said:
Yeah, there's plenty of us here; if your'e on the freeway when the rapture comes, watch out for our unmanned cars! :)

LOl,I wanna get that bumper sticker!! Also the one that says "In case rapture comes, the car's yours" :mrgreen:

Proud Christian here too!
BewitchedKitten said:
LOl,I wanna get that bumper sticker!! Also the one that says "In case rapture comes, the car's yours" :mrgreen:

Proud Christian here too!

lololol that is neato! i wud like to have that sticker too lol i like ur icon and design of those icons too and ur baby is soo cutie!!! :P
I love being one!

I love so so so much being a Christian! I actually just got done doing my devotions, my friends and I decided that we would read through the whole Bible starting.......tomorrow! I cannot wait!
My dad is a pastor too,
Meg said:
I don't want to label myself but let my actions speak for my beliefs/values for anyone could claim to be a Christian yet don't convey that in actions.

Thus I let others decide. I simply say I'm very spiritual and value my time with God highly and hope I'm a living example of His Word.

I was going to say same thing what you said.. :)