Hello!! I am a hearing person and I am so glad to have stumbled on this thread. I am just new to ASL classes (something I have wanted to do since I was a kid and just finally decided to just do it!) and I think the most surprising thing about learning to sign is realzing there is this whole new, amazing culture that I never new about. It is truly beautiful!
As for your peeves about what hearing people do, all I can say is keep posting them. I hate to admit it, but I can honestly say I think I may have made some of those mistakes if I had not read them on this thread. I can completely understand how frustrating and isolating it would be to be in group of people and to be told, "I'll tell you later," all the time. I will not do that!

Thanks for the heads up!!
I have never had a deaf friend and, as I said, I am a newbie here. I want to learn and understand, and I don't want to make any mistakes or be insensitive in any way. The, "I'll pray for you," thing really bothers many of you? I tell my friends I will pray for them all the time. Is it always about your deafness or could it be just general, everyday "I'll pray for you!"? Just wondering.
Finally, I just want to say that it seems there is an intense pride with being deaf. I think that is facsinating and wonderful! I love it...I truly do. Sign is a beautiful, animated language and I am thrilled to be learning it. Please continue posting some of the "What not do to's" for us hearing people. I bet most of us who have a true desire to learn about this community do not intend any offense at all and simply want to understand. So, it is helpful to learn what not to do!

Thanks...have a great day!!