Angry cashier attacked deaf man, police say

Now, isn't that odd.....the tape was erased before the cops got there. Do you smell something fishy?

Dang, where's that tire iron/knocker?
Hi pek,
No, I didn't notice the ads until you mentioned it. Yeah, I think the vulnerable people meaning the disabled and women as well kids should learn self-defense. I would like to learn maga kav but I'm afraid I might end up killing someone by accident :)

I bet you that the corporate types wouldn't care until it impacted on their profit and then they'll be compelled to address the issue at hand. I believe the corporate office would have known as the cashier's been charged with a crime as they probably have a policy of hiring people with record and whatnot.

Having this kind of coverup for Family Dollar and to read the transcript that there were witnesses to this crime, I encouraged Cody's dad, Barry, to tell Cody to name his price and not settle out of court on this one.
Agreed. I still say a boycott is in order. Hit the corporation in their pocket book! That's their first priorty. I will certainly refuse to shop anywhere something like this has happened, and the corporate office attempts to minimimize it by claiming it never happened. If they don't care about Cody,t hey don't care about any of their customers, and it is the customer that pays for their fancy cars and big houses. Damned if they'll get any of my hard earned money!

I have even considered writing to the ones here in my area of Fargo, ND/Moorhead, MN and copying the letter, threatening to picket their store. I would contact city hall to find out if Family Dollar owns the property and where to set up. Of course, it is a silent picket line, just like strikers, including the line "Stay Away!!" written on the sign. Pace back and forth on the entrance and have copies of the article in case people ask what's going on. Further, contacting local media wouldn't be a bad idea. Hit them in the pocket book is right!
Wow! I felt bad about Cody...

I'll pray for Cody and his family.