after a yr.C.I is still not sounding right. please help!


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Dec 5, 2011
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Hi, I started losing my hearing about 2001 due to a disease I have. Started wearing hearing aids, then in Oct 2010 I lost what hearing I had in my right ear. I then used bi-cros aids after that.(fabulous invention) then in Nov 2011. Again with in minutes I lost all hearing in my left ear. I was implanted with an AB C.I on March 20 of 2012, activated April 20th 2012. Activation went well I could hear not too bad,I was pleased! Things were a bit muffled and tinny like-even an echo sound. But thats cool on the most part all in all is great. Then I started getting a small lump in the implanted area, when I was in bed and would move my head the pain jolted me, washing my hair, if i rubbed that spot I could go through the roof.It was only getting worse. I had been in contact with the hospital, sent them pic. (It was a small lump and pinkish.) etc. Finally I couldn't stand this any more, something is wrong. Met with my surgeon, after much thought and talk we decided to slice my head open again. Ends up the stitch that was holding the c.i in place was “standing up like a fence post” (his words lol) all healed well.

I have had my implant just over a year, and for this whole year I have been hearing the same, have told the audio how I hear. (voices are muffled, echoie,high pitched). I get my adjustments and in all honesty I have not ever noticed any change to the sound I am hearing like an AM radio. Sometimes my voice sounds like it would if I was talking into a fan. I have told the audio all this. TV sounds horrible like the voices are too close to the speaker muffled distorted somewhat.. Lately things had also gotten louder. That too was to be adjusted end of April, but its still too loud.

Then someone asked me if I had an FM system, and told me how great it is, so I started researching this. Sounds like this may be what I need to hear things more clearly. Got the Fm. all that does is amplifies what I am already hearing. After wearing it for maybe an hour or 2 while watching tv I have to take it off as I have a headache and just cannot stand the sound.

I have tried turning my volume down but voices become even more distorted and muffled, I am at a total loss here. Am I not explaining myself properly to the audio so that she can get rid of the muffled voices? I was told to have the IDR checked, but does that help muffled voices? Was I expecting too much? I just feel so lost!

Has anyone else had this problem, if so what did u do? Please I am open to ideas.

I have talked with so many people and they say it should

not be sounding like this. I am at a total loss of what to do.
I can't hear TV with my CI, I use closed captioning. I still can not use the phone or listen to music. Voices sound like "talking into a fan" with me too. If more then one person is talking or it is a loud environment I get lost. There are other CI users on this site who seem to have a more positive experience so I hope they will check in.

I have had my CI for almost a year now, still happy I went through with it.
thanks for the reply. Dont get me wrong I too am glad I have it! But I have heard from so many that they hear really clear, some can listen to music.
I would be just happier if it wasnt so tinny,high pitched. Gets to the point I have to take my head piece off the noise is so horrible!
maybe you just need more time to get used to the CI and let the brain figure things out, or the audie just needs to keep messing around with the programming. I have no idea.

I just had an adjustment to my CI today, so things sound different once again so I'm going to have to get used to the new programmings.
is it possible if you could have confused with CI being wierd or tinnitus?
Jayme0013: You should tell your audi-Sunnybrook?-exactly what is happening.-now! Perhaps it is a "mapping" problem.

It does take "time" to get used to using your Cochlear Implant. That is why one must be "ruthless honest" exactly what is actually happening.

Good luck in getting your current problem-solved.
The disease you mentioned surely would have been considered before being accepted for a Cochlear Implant. On the face of it-they didn't consider it "a basis for refusing to Implant"-you. From my direct experience- really checked over "health wise" before approval for Implantation.

aside: I have been at Sunnybrook/Toronto with the first appointment- February 4, 2007 with the operation July 12, 2007,
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I have had my implant just over a year, and for this whole year I have been hearing the same, have told the audio how I hear. (voices are muffled, echoie,high pitched

How many mapping updates have you had so far? You should have had at least 6 by now.

If yes, are you saying that no matter what adjustments you make to your mapping, it all sounds the same?

Did the audi confirm that each electrode is functioning properly?
thanks for the reply. Dont get me wrong I too am glad I have it! But I have heard from so many that they hear really clear, some can listen to music.
I would be just happier if it wasnt so tinny,high pitched. Gets to the point I have to take my head piece off the noise is so horrible!

hi,jayme,i have had ci for 2 and half years now and i am same as you,getting all sorts noises,tinitus doesnt help,as sometimes it copies sounds,even when mapping getting done,i think i hear the beeps low beeps then i wonder is it my tinitus copying sounds its very confusing,its ok in quiet room with scientist but as soon as you go outside its still same confused sounds and you start to tweak it to best ability but back to square 1,,i like you have same problems it has done some good but talking in different environments with 2,3,4,people talking its so annoying,hope all goes well for you.regards,john.
I have eight years of experience with my CI, and like you Jayne, it is from AB. On the one hand, what you are experiencing thus far is about expected, on the other, certain sounds in the extreme frequency ranges should be start to be identified by your mind. You must wear it often to improve your hearing perception from the CI. In my experience, the quality of sound surpassed my HA experience by the second year, don't get me wrong, it's a constant adjustment process, mappings will be required less often as time goes by, but still necessary at least once a year. What information does your Audi ask of you to adjust your map? I translate what I hear, like a prism, I break it down to sound frequency ranges to increase/decrease the strenghth of a certain pitch. For instance:

<150 Hz Low Bass Adjust this for muffled sounds.
150-300Hz Mid Bass Adjust this for general low sounds like low voices, low buzzing
600-1k Hz Mid Range Adjust this for voices, most sounds fall here but this is the one I keep low to prevent the AM radio effect
2k-5k Hz High Mid Range Adjust this for voices, higher general sounds. I keep this high to enhance speech pitch.
8k-12k Hz Mid Treble Adjust this to sharpen the speech pitch, this also sharpens bass for clarity, less muffled sound.
>15k Hz High Treble This is mostly percussion, Adjust this for correct ticking, thumping, "S" sounds.

This is just a general guideline, but it's a start. If you have any other questions, I'll try to assist you. Good luck! :)
I was implanted in Feb 2009 and activated in March 2009 ... haven't had a mapping in 1 1/2 to 2 years and I'm still good I think ... of course after my last test she told me I pretty much had already peaked out in recognition after a year with my CI ... went from 5% recognition with hearing aids in both ears turned all the way up to 96% with just the CI alone on my left ear ... but she also said not alot of people get that much out of a CI even after years of having it ...
As the above comment-10- suggests everyone is different in how they are able "to use" their implant. Thus, one's audi is the person to deal exactly with you. Thus imperative one visits their audi- as required.