AD's resident Esthetician...ask away:)


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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Now that we have a certified esthetician and Make up artist on AD (I graduated last week!) I figured I'd lend my knowledge and answer any q's regarding skin concerns etc you may have:) :ty:
What is the best moisturizer for sensitive acne prone skin? I'm mid 40's. Lately, I've been using grape seed oil. Any recommendations?
have you always had acne or has this been a recent change in your skin?
if it's a yes or a have sensitive skin anyway so you don't want to shock your skin so to speak. If you can find a line with that one of the main ingredients is tea tree oil then that would be good for your skin. I'll attach a link to examples ..i'm not sure if yall have body shop in the states but this website is the USA version so you can look and see if there is a store near you...but again I'm sure you can find similar products at sally beauty or the pharmacy etc. You don't wanna to buy 4, 5 or 6 diff products for your skin as it's prolly not used to all the products...

As a starter I'd recommend a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer:)
you can always add a mask for use once a week if you'd like later on

Sometimes you may see results right away and sometimes you need 21 days to see results as this is our skin's cycle...So try that and see how it goes!


Note** I can't make an accurate assumption on your skin since I can't do an actual skin exam but based on what your telling me I think you'd like anything that is part of a tea tree skin line
My cat likes to use claws when it is relaxed, as a result of that some of my abs/chest area looks like I got in a fight or nicked with a razor.

How can I correct the scars?
My cat likes to use claws when it is relaxed, as a result of that some of my abs/chest area looks like I got in a fight or nicked with a razor.

How can I correct the scars?

Microdermabrasion can really help scars but if the scars are not too deep into tissue but more surface scars pure vitamin e will really help scarring. Buy vitamin e capsules the gel looking ones and once or twice a day cut one or two open and use the vitamin e inside like a moisturiser and rub it on :) you should see the scars fade but sometimes results depends on your skins natural healing process, skins thickness, and how old the scars are...but it should definitely help!
Any tips for self-waxing?

Self waxing depends on the area but you ALWAYS apply wax on in the direction of hair growth and and then tear the strip the opposide direction of hair growth ..pull towards the direction of your heart or feet etc depending on where never pull totally will bruise the skin. Alcohol the area first with a cotton swab and test th temp of the wax on the inside of your wrist to make sure its not too hot. Apply wax and then remove wax with strip.
Make sure that you never go over the same area more than twice, if you do you will prolly bruise yourself..not fun..always make sure b4 you decide to wax that its in your best interest..if you have any contraindications I.e. a burn, fever blisters, varicose weins, excema or if you've just tanned or had a chemical peel or on any skin thinning products waxing is not for you! Hope that helps...if you want specific directions for a specific area lemme know:) to avoid in grown hairs moisturize daily and exfoliate the area! :)
What's the cheap way w/o prescription to handle psoriasis?

hi how do i work out what foundation i should buy?
Foundation should be tested on your neck because usually the skin on your neck is a close matych to your face make sure you can blend it..if its too ligt go a shade up if too dark go a shade darker..if your foundtaion if giving u a demarkation line..that ugly line from your chin to ur neck that u can tell u have foundation on then you are wearing the wrong color or not blending it properly...-f its summer. And u wanna tan a bit than go a shade darker from yoiur usual shade :) if you are still having trouble mac will find a shade that's right for u and you can always go from tre to have a rough idea :)
Yiz we studied psoriasis but estheticians don't treat it, sorry :( you could try tanning though that's spose to help!
whats esthecian umm or how ever its speeled?:hmm:
Self waxing depends on the area but you ALWAYS apply wax on in the direction of hair growth and and then tear the strip the opposide direction of hair growth ..pull towards the direction of your heart or feet etc depending on where never pull totally will bruise the skin. Alcohol the area first with a cotton swab and test th temp of the wax on the inside of your wrist to make sure its not too hot. Apply wax and then remove wax with strip.
Make sure that you never go over the same area more than twice, if you do you will prolly bruise yourself..not fun..always make sure b4 you decide to wax that its in your best interest..if you have any contraindications I.e. a burn, fever blisters, varicose weins, excema or if you've just tanned or had a chemical peel or on any skin thinning products waxing is not for you! Hope that helps...if you want specific directions for a specific area lemme know:) to avoid in grown hairs moisturize daily and exfoliate the area! :)

So what you're saying is, I shouldn't use duct tape? Shoot, I think I'll just go pay someone to do it. Thanks ;)
Congratulations on graduation. Okay, here is my question. As a woman ages, hopefully gracefully, is it better to use less make-up?
Women don't age..we call it "mature skin" ;) lol and not necessarily less..just depending on skin elasticity and health of skin etc someone who is 40 and someone who is 20 could wear the same makeup style but if the skin loses elasticity and you have more extra skin round eyes wrinkles crows feet etc you don't wanna accentuate that with bright colors or crazy makeup. You can still have nice eye shadow and be daring just not TOO much play around with colors..but your best bed for foundation for "mature" skin is HD foundation, MAC is my fave but you can find it at any make up counter..or should be able to..dpends what lines you like its GREAR coverage so makes it easier to play with more brighter colors because the HD foundation hides all those lines and blemishes or pigmentation probs etc!! :)

And thanks for the congrats on graduating and NO duct tape is bad and I better if u go see a pro! :) and an esthetician is someone who is trained to work with skin
Thanks for the info, will see how it goes and let you know if I have questions.

Congrats on grad btw Alicia!
My daughter is 13, and she breaks out here and there with pimples. What can she use that will not dry and irritate her skin? She especially gets them on her forehead and nose.
Congrats!!! I like Jillio's question because I have been wondering about that as well.
Congrats :) I do want to point out to Sallylou that if she have been getting acnes recently, she may need to go to a doctor to make sure her hormones is not out of controls due to health issues.