AD family..I just want you to know that...


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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You make me feel so much better when I can get
it off my chest. I feel like I can just let it go, and move on.
Not allowing myself to be upset, realizing that yes, it's wrong
what she is doing but not to let it affect me. I love you guys, you
are great. I don't know what I'd do without my AD family.
:hug: :hug: :hug: It's wonderful to know that I have the support
I need here. I can always come home and have a heart to heart with
my family (as well as my hubby..but I don't like dumping on him he has
a long day at work so if I can get it out all the best for us). Not that he minds, he loves being involved when I need him but ya know..when you have
a great family like AD you don't have to keep it inside you can deal with it sooner.

you're great fine... you're always welcome and feel needy anything talk...

Everyone will listening you and giving you fillful group hugs :grouphug:

you're not far from my hometown 2 1/2 hours away..

Wishes could one day meet each together..
cuz you knew my hubby as well since Robarts school..
:hug: RainGurl--

I am glad you feel better after ventin'. It's a good thing to know where to find AD family here if, you need someone to talk to. Feel free to let ADers know and they will be there for ya. ;)
aww hugs ya

get the words out it make things better to get things out by talking
and we can be here for ya if you need us smile

i am glad you feel better
:hug: :hug: :hug: That is why we are here Rain, to support each other, be kind to each other, and listen when someone needs us. As you have stated, we are family, we can give as well as receive, be here for you with open arms. I am glad that you were able to vent out your feelings, and come out of this with a more positive attitude!! Sometimes I wonder if AD really means Alldeaf, when it should really mean Alldear!!!! :hug:

Very touching post!

AD peers always will comfort and support you with health issues. One day, you will know some people in AD forums who is your true friend! :)

Hope you thinking still postive... ;)
I am glad that you feel home here ... :hug: Yes, it's great to have rant/vent your feeling out to any forum, you feel confide to.

We are alway here/there for you anytime... :hug:
Hey there! I have seen you around like here and on tag. You seem to me to be a very nice person. Trust me we all have ups and downs. It will get better.
P.S your right AD family is just that! You guys are family