ABR/ASSR results


New Member
Apr 20, 2008
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Avery finally completed her ABR/ASSR in both ears...her results are that she is severely deaf in both..with a stronger loss in her right ear. The audi said that with speech therapy, sign, and aids combined she will be able to communicate effectively.She has an appt with the peid ENT [again] on 6/6, he wants to talk about her "options" ...I've already said that we are not interested in CI but he wants to sit down with us anyways. After that she will have her fitting for aids.

DH and I are looking into deaf schools [I did not like South Carolina school for the deaf], we want one that emphasizes oral skills along with sign..one that caught my attention is Colorado School for the Deaf..

So that is her update..I am so glad we are done with the prelim. testings and can move on with her thearpy!!

I wish you the very best during this time...I bet it can be overwhelming at times with all of the decisions that you have to make and all of the information that you have been given (and will be getting). If you have any questions or just need to talk, feel free to PM me anytime. It sounds like you're already comfortable with what you know what is best for her, which is GREAT! :) She's a beautiful little baby.
You are way ahead of the game. You have already taken the time to research all of your options and are making well informed decisions. The best of luck to you, and your beautiful daughter. Keep us posted on her progress.
It's good to know for sure, isn't it?
I wonder why the dr wants to talk to you about CI after you have stated your disinterest, hmm.

So, you know that lots of school for the deaf, whatever their educational method, already have a couple of speech therapists on their payroll, so Avery can learn how to speak properly, if she had that ability. Also Avery will be picking up on speech from you guys and TV, movies etcetcera.

Personally I believe Avery would be so much better off at schools with Bilingual environment so that way she'll learn languages more easily. Just my thought.

Keep us updated. :)