About this Deaf Culture thing...

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In 2009 there was Deaf programme on main TV called See Hear in UK. They did research focusing on Deaf brain and see any difference from hearing brain and there was. Deaf born, not hearing born and became deafned even under 2 years old.

It was very interesting. They did sight test, memory test, vibration test, hearing test.

People did research website here: Deafness research

Thanks for that link, Speedy Hawk. The research has the same findings as the research I have seen from the States.

This is another reason that Deaf Ed needs to be specialized and not just putting a deaf child into a mainstream class with a terp. Of course, when I brought up cognitive differences in deaf students a while back, we had a poster get really angry and thought I was saying something degrading about deaf kids.:roll:
Question: re "different brains". Perhaps only apply to Prelingual persons but not to any latedeafned persons?
Does the "theory different brains" apply to hearing persons who self define as "cultural deaf"?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
In my opinion, yes; it is the predominantly audist thinking in this society that would lead to questioning the existence of Deaf Culture by the individual. Can we wave them off as audist? That is a bit trickier. They are being influenced by the generally accepted audist thought taught in society. They only become an audist when shown their error, and they insist on hanging onto those audist thoughts and beliefs.
But isn't the audist who don't know better, carrying popular beliefs, still an audist? Like my grandpa were an racist, because he didn't know better. I agree waving of this kind of audism not is the best thing to do, and one can try to do some explaining first.
Question: re "different brains". Perhaps only apply to Prelingual persons but not to any latedeafned persons?
Does the "theory different brains" apply to hearing persons who self define as "cultural deaf"?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
drphil, when did you become deaf? And no, I don't mean 2006 when you experienced silence. You became deaf when you starting experiencing hearing loss (probably years before you started wearing a hearing aid).

And our brains do change to adjust for changes to how it's being used.
So when you started loosing your hearing, your brain probably started changing to adjust for it though subtly. You're probably more visual though you may not notice it.
drphil, when did you become deaf? And no, I don't mean 2006 when you experienced silence. You became deaf when you starting experiencing hearing loss (probably years before you started wearing a hearing aid).

And our brains do change to adjust for changes to how it's being used.
So when you started loosing your hearing, your brain probably started changing to adjust for it though subtly. You're probably more visual though you may not notice it.

Using this definition, I guess it says like others here on AD have told me, that I was deaf since birth and not since I was 7. That is fine with me. I still wish I could have had any kind of knowledge of deaf culture/community/living. Anything would have made things better for me, but I know I ended up doing okay. If I take drphil's constant spouting, than I should assume that I am less than a person due to my total deafness and not having the ability to have HA's or CI's. Well, sorry, I am better than a lot of others, and yes, I do have disadvantages from yet others. On the whole, I think I am doing great and I totally resent some of his spewings, but hey, he's human too, so I can deal with other people's faults or slights. :lol:

Now - do I remove this or not?

LoveBlue - I totally appreciate a lot of what I see from you!
Using this definition, I guess it says like others here on AD have told me, that I was deaf since birth and not since I was 7. That is fine with me. I still wish I could have had any kind of knowledge of deaf culture/community/living. Anything would have made things better for me, but I know I ended up doing okay. If I take drphil's constant spouting, than I should assume that I am less than a person due to my total deafness and not having the ability to have HA's or CI's. Well, sorry, I am better than a lot of others, and yes, I do have disadvantages from yet others. On the whole, I think I am doing great and I totally resent some of his spewings, but hey, he's human too, so I can deal with other people's faults or slights. :lol:

LoveBlue - I totally appreciate a lot of what I see from you!

You just said the exact same thing as drphil backwards. Neither one is productive, but resenting people for not thinking as you do is not healthy.
You just said the exact same thing as drphil backwards. Neither one is productive, but resenting people for not thinking as you do is not healthy.

I guess I'm not understanding and I do not have even the remotest chance of agreeing with drphil. Maybe I worded it wrong.

I just wish I had more afforded to me while growing up. I don't see anything wrong with me or with other however they choose to live. I see the advantages in deaf culture and such and am striving for that for myself. I am so confused now, I guess I should to remove that post so no one else will think I agree with him since I don't.
I guess I'm not understanding and I do not have even the remotest chance of agreeing with drphil. Maybe I worded it wrong.

I just wish I had more afforded to me while growing up. I don't see anything wrong with me or with other however they choose to live. I see the advantages in deaf culture and such and am striving for that for myself. I am so confused now, I guess I should to remove that post so no one else will think I agree with him since I don't.

I don't think you agree with him. I think you took a tack of saying you were deaf before you were even close.

He thinks he was not deaf until he had complete silence.
I don't think you agree with him. I think you took a tack of saying you were deaf before you were even close.

He thinks he was not deaf until he had complete silence.

Okay - thanks for the clarification for my brain fart today.:giggle:
Okay - thanks for the clarification for my brain fart today.:giggle:

It's ok. I just don't think he deserves criticism anymore than you do. If he eventually does not like it here because most won't agree with him, that is okay too.
He thinks he was not deaf until he had complete silence.

I guess that's me, too. I don't think of myself as deaf, because with my hearing aids, I hear. Same as with my very near-sighted eyes; I don't think of myself as blind because the minute I put my glasses on, I'm not.

Better living through science and technology; I'm all for it.

If he eventually does not like it here because most won't agree with him, that is okay too.

It's ok in that anyone can decide for himself if he/she wants to participate in an on-line forum, but speaking generally, I hope AD is always open to hearing different points of view. It would be pretty boring and no one would learn anything if the only participants were those who 100% agreed with each other on everything.

Not that that is likely to happen anytime soon. Just saying that diversity of opinion is a good thing, and generally to be desired. In my, um, diverse opinion, I guess. ;-)
But isn't the audist who don't know better, carrying popular beliefs, still an audist? Like my grandpa were an racist, because he didn't know better. I agree waving of this kind of audism not is the best thing to do, and one can try to do some explaining first.

Technically, I suppose I could say yes. But I see those who don't know better as doing all they know to do. If they are shown their errors, and still believe and behave the same way, then they are audist, racist, or whatever.
question: Re "different brains". Perhaps only apply to prelingual persons but not to any latedeafned persons?
Does the "theory different brains" apply to hearing persons who self define as "cultural deaf"?

Implanted a b harmony activated aug/07

No on all counts.
I guess that's me, too. I don't think of myself as deaf, because with my hearing aids, I hear. Same as with my very near-sighted eyes; I don't think of myself as blind because the minute I put my glasses on, I'm not.

Better living through science and technology; I'm all for it.

It's ok in that anyone can decide for himself if he/she wants to participate in an on-line forum, but speaking generally, I hope AD is always open to hearing different points of view. It would be pretty boring and no one would learn anything if the only participants were those who 100% agreed with each other on everything.

Not that that is likely to happen anytime soon. Just saying that diversity of opinion is a good thing, and generally to be desired. In my, um, diverse opinion, I guess. ;-)

As as been said numerous times prior, you are perfectly entitled to define yourself, just as anyone else is entitled to define themselves, in view of their deafness. If you see no purpose in identifying yourself as culturally deaf, and are content with participating in hearing culture exclusively, that is your decision to make. It only becomes an issue when the existence of Deaf Culture is questioned, despite the empirical evidence to support it's existence, or the psychological, emotional, social, and educational benefits of the culture are negated despite the fact that many,many individuals have found tremendous benefits in all of these domains.
Amazing still waiting for the brain transformation" since becoming bilaterally deaf on December 20, 2006. Does one need the "approval of the local deaf community" for "that" to be effected?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Amazing still waiting for the brain transformation" since becoming bilaterally deaf on December 20, 2006. Does one need the "approval of the local deaf community" for "that" to be effected?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

No, one needs a brain.
Correct-if not human. Which suggests the "entity" is?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Correct-if not human. Which suggests the "entity" is?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

To what "entity" are you referring? Your communication is very disordered.
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