I'm glad to help you with some of the answers.
I'm Deaf myself since 2 yrs old. And my parents decide to take me to Total Communication which means learning ASL, speech, and lipreading.
I strongly suggust to have you and ur family learn ASL (America Sign Language) this tool will help alot instead of oral method.. oral method takes long time and it will probally delay the communication system. Babies at age 6 months can start talking by using ASL.. My son is currently 22 months old and he can even sign to me "Daddy" "milk" "outside" " want more cookies" "orange" " apple" "banana" few others.. he start signed to me when he's 9 months old.. his first word was " milk"
As for Cohlear implant.. It's very tough desicion. There are some risks and some success. Suggust do some Serious Reasearch on CI. some CI companys will try to pull you into having ur daughter to get it right away.. That thing i think its wrong thing to do since they're wanting money from parents.
Support groups.. This is something i don't know since i don't live in California. hope someone else help you with this.
you can always get many good information about how to raise a deaf child, and many more.
I have 2 website that i know of
www.harriscomm.com or
as for state resource.. i don't know same thing that i don't live in california
Hope those information helps