A Little Help For A Story


Jun 13, 2016
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Ok. So I'm currently writing a realistic fiction about a deaf girl and her hearing friend (The link is on my profile page). They go on a mission trip to South Africa with their church. I've never really been involved with the d/Deaf community until now because my parents are hearing and they want me to be "normal." I want to incorporate some discrimination, but I don't what I should put. Oddly I've never been discriminated before. If you guys could give me some insight on what happens in your daily lives and maybe some things about the d/Deaf community I would be extremely grateful. This is the first time I've gotten involved so I would love to learn more.
You are the third person this month to need help worrying a book, deaf characters are popular this year haha
Lol. It's just different because I am deaf and I have no idea what I should write.
Okay, you asked. I have a high frequency deafness.

Here is what I experienced: In kindergarten -- my teacher put rags on my feet because she didn't like the sound that my shoes made on the wood floor. She is also the teacher that suggested to my mother that I may have a hearing loss.
In elementary school we had french lessons via television. I was not permitted to learn French because I couldn't speak English properly per the school. Also in Elementary school I was not permitted to go with the class to choir because I couldn't speak English well enough for them. I was enrolled in speech lessons throughout my K - 12 years, some of those were private lessons, too.

Then in high school, I was told I wasn't smart enough for college prep classes. I was not allowed to take algebra in 9th grade -- when I did take the ACT and SAT tests, my math scores were way above average!

When I tried out for the synchronized swim -- we had our own pool so I was and still am a good swimmer, I was not selected the first time I tried out -- no one bothered to tell me to swim with my head out of water for the testing. The second time I tried out, I swam properly and wasn't selected. I confronted the teacher and she said my gym grades were not high enough. I showed her my report card-- she was one of those gym teachers! and I had "B" for my average. She said I could be a coach. I was so mad, I did not do that.

In high school we had a senior class trip, no one said to me that you needed to select people to room with. Fortunately one of my friends took me in. Also had that same no one told me issue, when it came to the graduation ceremony when I did not know we were supposed to select someone to walk down the aisle with. Since I was in speech class -- that should have been communicated to me somehow.

I did not tell my mother, who was a teacher in the same school system about my anguish or the rags on my feet for years. I just swallowed it, and marched on.

In the one semester that I went to college there were no note takers so I relied on my own hearing. I did fail two classes. My parents pulled me out and I did not return to college until about 20 years later, after my divorce. I used the Dept of Rehab services and they tested me and my IQ level -- which I still don't know, but I was told was very, very high. I attended a college that had note takers for me and got a BA degree.

Much later, I was working for the state in the Unemployment sector -- my manager had a hate love relationship with me and wrote me up for things that were not true. Then he had the nerve to question me about my deafness. The position listed about 8 months before they fired me for trumped up reasons.

I also have trouble telling how loud I am speaking and what tones I am using when I speak. This may have been caused by an auto accident that caused a head injury as an adult, but I don't know. As a child, I did not seem to have those problems. I did ask my coworkers and still ask my (newer) coworkers/friends to let me know if I am speaking too loudly.
Oh, on another note, one of the deaf guys that went to the same school system was sexually abused by his mother. That might or might not have been because of his deafness. He was always made fun of and mocked by many at school.