5 items you cant live without

cell phone
toilet and shower
computer, someday I will buy laptop
My husband and my son!
1. Computer
2. Everyday essentials
3. My loving dog, Mac
4. My Nissan X-Terra
5. Cash!
1. Jesus Christ
2. water
3. foods
4. books
5. guns

Sounds like I'm in the combat zone...
0. Jason! (My fiance)
1. Sidekick
2. Chocolate
3. Clothes
4. Sweet tea
5. Food (chinese food!)

HA! (Added number 0 :p)
- My significant other
- AT&T Tilt
- PSP Programs
- Water
- Shower
wow. it seems running longer since then... how old is it ? which MDA is yours ?

It is the first MDA Windows mobile 5. I think 3 years? I am looking at Blackberry now and probably will change soon.
1. need fresh water to drink
2. hearing aid (one)
3. computer
4. one soap opera (Young and the Restless) my favorite program
5. my husband
1) my laptop
2) my journal and my favorite pen
3) my straighter *my hair is too curly*
4) my books
5) my cross stitch stuffs
1. Computer for internet/emails/chats/play games
2. Hearing aid so I can enjoy music
3. Car to get about in
4. Chocolate cos I love them
5. My hubby to keep me company