4 better & 4 worse


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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as in sickness and in health....

Since some posters are being hypocrite...
why did they have a divorce?

Just because a spouse has AIDS or whatever....
we can't divorce that person, but we have to show sympathy by
standing side by side?

But what about Hillary Clinton, she stand by her man, Bill Clinton,
when he was unfaithful? Is it a good reason to divorce him,
yeah he might not be sick, but he wasn't perfect.

If a spouse hit or verbal abuse you, would you divorce that person?
Or would you try to help that person out by having that person seek
counseling or something? But that person is sick, mentally....

And to lesbian and gay man, why do they criticize me and Ravensteve?
Lesbian won't be with men cause they gave up trying to be with them,
Gay men won't be with women cause they gave up trying to be with them.

But they said I suppose to be with someone for better and for worse...
but they be with their partners because of "attractive" to the same sex.

But what if I ain't attractive to my spouse who has AIDS, in a sexual way anymore... but I have to stay with that person forever.

But gay man/lesbian should try to be with someone of the opposite sex, and married for better and for worse, because yeah it is difficult to be with the opposite sex, but what difference does it make.... we all are humans.

So if gay man/lesbian don't wanna be with someone of the opposite sex...
and if you guys divorce someone who abuse you or cheated on you, then I don't wanna be with someone with AIDS or whatever. Nah. :)

Hey RavenSteve, help me out.
Instead of derailing someone thread, "McDonald's manager with AIDS."

Quote from Nozobo:

I have been with women, I could have married one woman but I knew I wouldn't be happy which will end up in divorce... I want to be happy with someone who I love. I will enjoy a lot of stuff like annisversary etc like all ppl do... I aint gonne be surprise if ravensteve or u divorce each other if u or him got a disease 20 yrs from now like RS said he will...

So why I wanna stay with a husband who has AIDS, I have to
think about my husband's happiness, and not mine?

And it is alright for you to be happy with someone, but me I can't
be happy? :(
You would divorce a woman cause she is a female, well God made female,
and you don't appreciate how God made a woman?
Because the person is a female, you won't be happy?
It isn't the woman's fault that she was born like that...

For better and for worse? :(
Maybe you shouldn't compare abuse and cheating to AIDS, because that is totally different issues here, once your partner cheat on you he will always be a cheater, that means he doesn't love you anymore, and if your husband abused you and that isn't love either....

But, if your partner has AIDS, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, he may have gotten AIDS from being infected by someone yet you said you will leave him if he has AIDS, then you're the one who doesn't love him enough to stick around just because he has this deadly illness....What happens if your husband has cancer? will you leave him?
Just because a spouse has AIDS or whatever....
we can't divorce that person, but we have to show sympathy by
standing side by side?

Marriage is a commitment, When you exchange ur vows with each others its a pledge or a promise, In sickness and in health, What do you think those vows meant? Would you like it if your husband filed for divorce if you have AIDS?

But what about Hillary Clinton, she stand by her man, Bill Clinton,
when he was unfaithful? Is it a good reason to divorce him,
yeah he might not be sick, but he wasn't perfect.

That's her business, Cheating is betrayed in the marriage, that's when trust is no longer there. Some marriage couples seek help to save the marriage. Some call it quit, Some just forgives and stay together.

If a spouse hit or verbal abuse you, would you divorce that person?
Or would you try to help that person out by having that person seek
counseling or something? But that person is sick, mentally....

Sometimes the spouse cannot change their ways, Why would someone stay in an abusive marriage, where u want to give your spouse so much power to hurt you? There gotta be so much emotional in that marriage, and it's not worth saving.

Bottom line is, You cannot just cut and run when it gets tough, If your spouse is sick with some type of disease, That doesn't mean you can call it a quit, That shows you don't love your spouse.
^Angel^ said:
Maybe you shouldn't compare abuse and cheating to AIDS, because that is totally different issues here, once your partner cheat on you he will always be a cheater, that means he doesn't love you anymore, and if your husband abused you and that isn't love either....

But, if your partner has AIDS, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, he may have gotten AIDS from being infected by someone yet you said you will leave him if he has AIDS, then you're the one who doesn't love him enough to stick around just because he has this deadly illness....What happens if your husband has cancer? will you leave him?

but Cancer isn't contagious. I will stay with my husband and take care of him.

What if I lay beside my husband in bed, and he might have this sexual fantasy and sexual urge, and he might be in rage and rape me, knowing he got AIDS?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
What if I lay beside my husband in bed, and he might have this sexual fantasy and sexual urge, and he might be in rage and rape me, knowing he got AIDS?

He will be charge for murder, because there a law about people who have AIDS, If they have sexual contract with someone and knew that they have AIDS, They will be charge for murder.
I hope you never get into an abusive relationship... As for everything else... your basing life on situations... people are different. Situations are different, everyone has different reasons. Stop judging people and opinions based on silly ideas you have been thinking about way too much!
I was in an abusive situation with a guy before....

I knew better not to marry someone like that, and
I ain't gonna marry him hopeing he'll change.

Even my mom knew she was marrying a troubled man, my father...
but she ignored signs... and made terrible choice.

And anyway...

if I have Aids, if my husband wants to leave me, then
I will let him leave cause I love him too much and
want him to be happy and be free.

What if your husband has malaria, would you stay with him
or stay as far away from him and divorce him?
Whats point of having vows exchanged if you would leave your man if he got AIDS? Why not just man and wife to start with?

I personally don't believe in marriage because divorce does exist. Marriage is just piece of paper and license plate.

Whats more, there is "Marriage penalty" in tax code! I know they are phasing it out. BUT, when it comes to need of public assistance, you will be penaltize if your married! For example, if you lose your job and need public assistance. The agency will look at your spouse income. If it is too high (Most cases yes), they will turn you down! But if you not married, they can NOT look in your so "called spouse" (like domestic partner) income and assets. Other good example, one of friend that I know had high income employment and business. Got married to a lady who was on SSI roll. Both of them barely meet their budget, even witl SSI check coming in. couple years later, SSA found out she married to that guy and look at his income, bang! OVERPAYMENT! and the SSI check is cut off abruptly. Know what their decision was? DIVORCE! but keep together in bed.

So, whats point here? This really pissed me off because back then people complained that it is not fair for welfare mothers to get more money when baby comes out while those who works earn money can't get increase in paycheck when it comes to childbirth. BUT they overlooked big part! When they work, they get same pay rate even if they get new roomate, or get married or whatever. But for Welfare, their check will be cut whenever they get new roomate, or marry or whatever.

So back to my point. Marriage is just HOGWASH!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
And to lesbian and gay man, why do they criticize me and Ravensteve? Lesbian won't be with men cause they gave up trying to be with them, Gay men won't be with women cause they gave up trying to be with them.

But they said I suppose to be with someone for better and for worse...
but they be with their partners because of "attractive" to the same sex.

But what if I ain't attractive to my spouse who has AIDS, in a sexual way anymore... but I have to stay with that person forever.

But gay man/lesbian should try to be with someone of the opposite sex, and married for better and for worse, because yeah it is difficult to be with the opposite sex, but what difference does it make.... we all are humans.

Miss P. :doh: You are missing the point by miles. People think that one would choose to be a homo. Do you honestly believe that I would wake up one day and choose to be a homo, and experience all this stupidity and hatred from some uneducated heteros? Do you really believe that we "give up" on the opposite sex?

Let us discuss this further:
How do you know if you like the opposite sex yourself? One day you are walking and you spot an handsome guy, you're like whoo hoo! He's a hawtie. then you see a woman walking by, you feel nothing.

For homos, this is the case, that they just happen to be attracted to the same sex. And no, it is not for sex. I do not understand why people think it is just a sex thing. There are love in homosexual couples. They go through ups and downs just like straight couples do. I have been with my SO for 15 months, and I look forward to growing old with him.

And you wonder why we criticise you? Cos your babblings are nothing but crap. We're fed up with your nonsense. There is no "giving up" but "profiting" by dealing and accepting ones' true feelings and desires. Just the same way as you have an affinity for white men yourself, Miss P.
Miss P

I wouldn't never leave my partner if he or she either hit or verbal abuse me, I'd try to find the root of the problem and solve it or seek help to rescue the relationship. If you truly love the person, love can overcome anything. If you don't, it will collapse. Then it aint worth trying to go on...

I aint trying to critize u and rantsteve, just that some points doesn't sound right but since u and RS agree on a lot of stuff so it sound so perfect for both u to check each other out... If lesbian/gay forced themselves to be with opposite sex, there's gonna be worse of divorces... Attractive to "same sex" isn't the reason... It's somebody who u like and want to spend ur life with.

if u don't love a person cuz of abusing which is a good reason but just cuz of a disease, my opinion is foolish... Would you be happy if a person forced you to be with same sex? If no then with opposite sex who you attractive? Then that how ppl feel like that way with who they are attractive to... How would u like if u were in ur final hours in hospital bed with no one around to say goodbye/ily to u. That'd be the worst thing I want to do to a person.... It'll be nice if ur lover is on ur side with u...

I would not divorce a woman cuz she's a woman... And that aint the reason... The reason is I want to be with some whoever that person is and my happiness is important... Otherwise it's a goner. I agree with Cheri's comment:

"Marriage is a commitment, When you exchange ur vows with each others its a pledge or a promise, In sickness and in health, What do you think those vows meant? Cheating is betrayed in the marriage, that's when trust is no longer there. Some marriage couples seek help to save the marriage. Some call it quit, Some just forgives and stay together.

Sometimes the spouse cannot change their ways, Why would someone stay in an abusive marriage, where u want to give your spouse so much power to hurt you? There gotta be so much emotional in that marriage, and it's not worth saving.

Bottom line is, You cannot just cut and run when it gets tough, If your spouse is sick with some type of disease, That doesn't mean you can call it a quit, That shows you don't love your spouse." QUOTED BY CHERI

I cannot disagree with that comment...
Cheri said:
Marriage is a commitment, When you exchange ur vows with each others its a pledge or a promise, In sickness and in health, What do you think those vows meant? Would you like it if your husband filed for divorce if you have AIDS?

That's her business, Cheating is betrayed in the marriage, that's when trust is no longer there. Some marriage couples seek help to save the marriage. Some call it quit, Some just forgives and stay together.

Sometimes the spouse cannot change their ways, Why would someone stay in an abusive marriage, where u want to give your spouse so much power to hurt you? There gotta be so much emotional in that marriage, and it's not worth saving.

Bottom line is, You cannot just cut and run when it gets tough, If your spouse is sick with some type of disease, That doesn't mean you can call it a quit, That shows you don't love your spouse.

:werd: :gpost:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
What if your husband has malaria, would you stay with him or stay as far away from him and divorce him?

Actually, I used to work in a hospital with AIDs patients(Pediatric) and other chronic illnesses(Kidney failure, lukemia, cancer) also an emergency room, where Ive seen people die of just about everything... and Id NEVER LEAVE ANYONE or turn anyone away for anything! Its a heartless cold thing to do, and I wouldnt do it. Thats why I went into nursing, to help people. I would never divorce my partner. Thick and thin is what we went in for... If he had AIDS and his arms and legs fell off, I wouldnt leave. Hes the father of my children and the love of my life.

Im sure your mom made a bad choice, seems like you did too at one time... what made you go for that man? Was he wonderful and sweet when you first met? Made you think he was a great person?

You have to think before you talk. Get away from your own brain, its dangerous to you and everyone else.

Miss*Pinocchio said:
if I have Aids, if my husband wants to leave me, then
I will let him leave cause I love him too much and
want him to be happy and be free.

I don't believe you, You just saying that now. But, when you get married; You would experience the love that meant the whole world to you, You wouldn't want him leaving you because you have any type of diseases even AIDS. You will be angry in the fact that he didn't care enough for you to stay in the marriage.
DeafKattMom said:
You have to think before you talk. Get away from your own brain, its dangerous to you and everyone else.

This one has said it perfectly!! :giggle:

Joking aside, do you guys realise we all are negatively enabling MissP by feeding into her desire for attention? MissP, tossing such callous thoughts left and right, in the real world can get you in a whole lotta sh*t. It is much easier to do it behind the computer but in real life, it is a whole different story.

(My apologies for going off-topic!)
diehardbiker65 said:
Whats point of having vows exchanged if you would leave your man if he got AIDS? Why not just man and wife to start with?

I personally don't believe in marriage because divorce does exist. Marriage is just piece of paper and license plate.

Whats more, there is "Marriage penalty" in tax code! So, whats point here?
So back to my point. Marriage is just HOGWASH!

No marriage is not hogwash.....
the Government is making it hard for marriage couples...
it is the Government reason why marriage is so difficult.
This Government and taxing system were for people who live in 1950's....
I think the Government and taxing system should change the system...
cause women are working now....

if we women live in Iraq or India, then we women won't own
lands and have to live with parents all of our life, depending on them,
and we would be happy if men choose us women to marry...
and we would be like slaves for men, and let men abuse us or whatever...
And we won't have any right to speak out our opinion, and can't vote
and can't drive.....

But yeah it is true, marriage is not important anymore, because
we women can do anything we want to in USA, and not have
to depend on men. And
I know that men are pissed off cause we women ain't gonna
be in the kitchen and barefoot and pregnant and give ya sex
anytime you want to.

And that is why I think love romance and sex and marriage are not
important.... and plus the world is overpopulated, so why we
want children for? And if an abandoned child wants a home, and if
anyone asked me to take care of that child, then I will do my best to
take care of that child. :hug:
kuifje75 said:
Miss P. :doh: You are missing the point by miles. People think that one would choose to be a homo. Do you honestly believe that I would wake up one day and choose to be a homo, and experience all this stupidity and hatred from some uneducated heteros? Do you really believe that we "give up" on the opposite sex? .

No I don't think people choose to be a homo, I understand you met
someone who is the same sex, and you can't help falling in love with that
person. But I am trying to ask, is it worth facing hatred or fight for that person? Romeo and Julian? What about all the stuff Scientists say about
homosexual men and Aids? But you ignored that and say, "oh well heterosexual people get AIDS too."? Is it worth it? I heard that anus sex is painful, is it worth doing that?

kuifje75 said:
Let us discuss this further:
How do you know if you like the opposite sex yourself? One day you are walking and you spot an handsome guy, you're like whoo hoo! He's a hawtie. then you see a woman walking by, you feel nothing. .
I don't care if I am homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual, but I ain't
gonna make it a big deal, and think hard trying to figure out who I am,
and put label on myself, "hmm oh no, I must be a lesbian."
I think all men and women are very attractive, and even I drooled on JLO, but that doesn't mean I have to sleep with a woman.
All I care about is being with a man, and love him, and have children, and make sure the family is stable and strong.... and pass down my children heritage and building village... and hopeing that one day my future children and grand children would run the country USA as President of USA or be doctor or help other people. I don't care about sex or being selfishly thinking about myself being happy.

kuifje75 said:
For homos, this is the case, that they just happen to be attracted to the same sex. And no, it is not for sex. I do not understand why people think it is just a sex thing. There are love in homosexual couples. They go through ups and downs just like straight couples do. I have been with my SO for 15 months, and I look forward to growing old with him. .
Well look at the Cheetahs for example, there are gay cheetahs and lesbian cheetahs... and we all know that Cheetahs are endangered species...
and they don't breed... and we now have at least thousand of Cheetahs in the world... and it is sad that we humans have to force breed the female cheetahs by inserting sperms in their wombs... so that they can breed more cheetahs. Cheetahs think like homosexual... because love and sex with someone you are attracted to is so important to you....
but you guys don't care about multiplying.... and breeding, and to maintain stable family....

kuifje75 said:
And you wonder why we criticise you? Cos your babblings are nothing but crap. We're fed up with your nonsense. There is no "giving up" but "profiting" by dealing and accepting ones' true feelings and desires. Just the same way as you have an affinity for white men yourself, Miss P.
Because you guys know I am right.
nozobo said:
Miss P

I wouldn't never leave my partner if he or she either hit or verbal abuse me, I'd try to find the root of the problem and solve it or seek help to rescue the relationship. If you truly love the person, love can overcome anything. If you don't, it will collapse. Then it aint worth trying to go on....

Okay.... that is cool. I agree with that. But I am trying to tell that to Angel...but oh well.

nozobo said:
I aint trying to critize u and rantsteve, just that some points doesn't sound right but since u and RS agree on a lot of stuff so it sound so perfect for both u to check each other out... If lesbian/gay forced themselves to be with opposite sex, there's gonna be worse of divorces... Attractive to "same sex" isn't the reason... It's somebody who u like and want to spend ur life with..
nobody is forcing you to be with the opposite sex.

nozobo said:
if u don't love a person cuz of abusing which is a good reason but just cuz of a disease, my opinion is foolish... Would you be happy if a person forced you to be with same sex? If no then with opposite sex who you attractive? Then that how ppl feel like that way with who they are attractive to... How would u like if u were in ur final hours in hospital bed with no one around to say goodbye/ily to u. That'd be the worst thing I want to do to a person.... It'll be nice if ur lover is on ur side with u....
If someone force me to be with the same sex, then I don't see what the problem is.... I just be with that person. But I don't have to have sex. Why would I want someone who I love to see me die???

nozobo said:
I would not divorce a woman cuz she's a woman... And that aint the reason... The reason is I want to be with some whoever that person is and my happiness is important... Otherwise it's a goner. I agree with Cheri's comment:.
Happiness is important? I can be happy with anybody, even with a puppy. What make you happier if you do things for other folks, such as marry a woman, and give her a child, and raise the child right, and help expand your family to pass on your last name down from generation to generation.... the world would be great if you and your children and grand children share their charm, love, and beauty....
If you die, then you only gave charm, love, and beauty to your partner only, and took the rest of those charm, love, and beauty with ya to the grave...
And you would rather have me and RavenSteve breed evil, mean, and ugliness children in the world.
THe world needs you.

nozobo said:
"Marriage is a commitment, When you exchange ur vows with each others its a pledge or a promise, In sickness and in health, What do you think those vows meant? Cheating is betrayed in the marriage, that's when trust is no longer there. Some marriage couples seek help to save the marriage. Some call it quit, Some just forgives and stay together..
Okay fine, I will stay with my husband who has AIDS.

nozobo said:
Sometimes the spouse cannot change their ways, Why would someone stay in an abusive marriage, where u want to give your spouse so much power to hurt you? There gotta be so much emotional in that marriage, and it's not worth saving..
Why not if a spouse won't change, why not hit that spouse back, and fight and fight back, until your spouse raise a white flag... to let me know that he understand that it hurts to abuse a person?

nozobo said:
Bottom line is, You cannot just cut and run when it gets tough, If your spouse is sick with some type of disease, That doesn't mean you can call it a quit, That shows you don't love your spouse." QUOTED BY CHERI

I cannot disagree with that comment...

Okay fine I just be with that spouse then.
DeafKattMom said:
Im sure your mom made a bad choice, seems like you did too at one time... what made you go for that man? Was he wonderful and sweet when you first met? Made you think he was a great person?


Well the 1st guy was okay looking guy, and the 2nd guy was a goodlooking guy, and so I wanted to find out about an ugly looking guy.....
And he turned out to be the worst guy ever (he slapped me twice and threw me down)..... so he is my 3rd guy and the last guy, and I don't think I want to be with another man anymore...

That is why I was scare of the guy at CSUN, I just didn't want to deal
with men anymore....

But I guess my wound has healed, and I think about having a boyfriend someday.... but I don't know... so I might stick with being Absinence forever.
Cheri said:
I don't believe you, You just saying that now. But, when you get married; You would experience the love that meant the whole world to you, You wouldn't want him leaving you because you have any type of diseases even AIDS. You will be angry in the fact that he didn't care enough for you to stay in the marriage.

yeah well what if I have AIDS, he won't stick around for me,
but if he has AIDS, I will stick around for him?

How would I know if my husband will do the things for me if I get sick...
How would I know if I have to take care of him but he won't take care of me?

What if I don't take care of him,, then he might take care of me?
How I am suppose to know how much he love me and how much
do I have to love him?

Does it matter if I buy him a cheap ring at Kmart, but he buy
me an expensive ring at a ring store? Or vice versa?
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