10 reason why you're going to hell

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New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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You're going to Hell if you:

* Can't remember all the Ten Commandments by hard.

* Didn't vote for Bush.

* Are a whoremonger.

* Have severed heads in your freezer.

* Have occasionally asked God to damn something for you.

* Have considered selling your soul.

* Sometimes use the Lord's name in vain, especially when you can't find the TV remote or stub your toe in the dark.

* Have watched a movie with graphic violence, brief nudity, sexual themes or adult language.

* Use the F word more than once a day.

* Felt powerful and satisfied after squashing an insect.

* Have engaged in sexual acts for reasons other than procreation.

* Have undressed people with your eyes at family reunions.

* Ever laughed at ugly people.

* Covet your neighbor's wife, husband, car, house, donkey or any of their household appliances.
Forget to take your meds, today? Try a tranquilizer or two. It'll do wonders.
LuciaDisturbed said:
I think she will need elephant tranquilizers.

Hey! Knowing what we've done today by what is on the list, I'll see you in Hell :devil:

The*Empress said:
* Didn't vote for Bush.

So God punishes people for the way they vote?

The*Empress said:
* Have occasionally asked God to damn something for you.

The poster of this thread is condemning people to hell... And yet her post is a violation of one of the rules she has stated her.
The*Empress said:
Cheer up, I was only joking around.

I would just like to make a quick personal observation, you expect people to understand when you are making a post out of sarcasm and when you are saying things in jest, yet when other people on this forum do the same thing you throw a trantrum.

But, back to topic, who is going to bring the board games? I only have monopoly and scrabble, could someone please bring operation and a couple stacks of cards?
The*Empress said:
Cheer up, I was only joking around.

Well, I'm not laughing. I must be a condemned man deserving of the lowest level of hell because I sins a whole lot than that list except the sex thing...

On a positive note, can I bring the game 'Twister' or some Hula-Hoops. I'm sure some of you know the meaning behind those games... *whistles yet again*

*Spys a succubus in Hell and sign up a storm with the succubus*
thewinterknight said:
Well, I'm not laughing. I must be a condemned man deserving of the lowest level of hell because I sins a whole lot than that list except the sex thing...

On a positive note, can I bring the game 'Twister' or some Hula-Hoops. I'm sure some of you know the meaning behind those games... *whistles yet again*

*Spys a succubus in Hell and sign up a storm with the succubus*

Someone bring a bottle please, an empty one. We all know what game thats good for.
I didn't throw any tantrum?

Why you want to make me out as an evil heartless person?

Reba, Heath, and some others don't agree with gay lifestyle and gay marriage, and they are not terrible people.

Most people are against gay marriage and gays, and they all
are not mean heartless people...

I was voting for President in Mississippi, and my mom and
white hearing people in Mississippi told me to vote NO to gay marriage.

So leave me alone already, stop speaking in sharp tongue on me.
I do have feeling, and it doesn't make thing much better.

I am just concern with smokers ruining their lungs, and they
hate me for wanting them to live better.

Same thing for gay men, but I guess you are right heterosexual gets
AIDS too... oh well
Hell is not a laughing matter. But as looking down on people is not appropriate either. But like voting no for gay marriage doesn't always mean hating or agaisnt a person, there are some do, but not all do. Even tho, but hell isn't a laughing matter or joke about
I know it isn't funny. I got this off of website and change
some words that is censored...

I told my mom about it, and she laughed, she is a Christian woman.
Yeah, some way can have some funny stories, but out of the mockery is a different story. Yea, some way not get overly reacting, teehee, smile
The*Empress said:
Cheer up, I was only joking around.

Jokes are supposed to be funny. This isn't. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
you are one of those people who can't stand seeing somebody happy...
you are the only enemy in here against me, I don't see anybody
else attacking me...
And you are soooo jealous.
The*Empress said:
* Can't remember all the Ten Commandments by hard.
Hmm... I don't know the Ten Commandments by heart.
The*Empress said:
* Didn't vote for Bush.
I didn't vote for Bush.
The*Empress said:
* Sometimes use the Lord's name in vain, especially when you can't find the TV remote or stub your toe in the dark.
I do this a lot! ;)
The*Empress said:
* Have watched a movie with graphic violence, brief nudity, sexual themes or adult language.
I watch horror, action, and porn movies! ;)
The*Empress said:
* Use the F word more than once a day.
Sometimes, I'll say "fuckity fuck". ;)
The*Empress said:
* Felt powerful and satisfied after squashing an insect.
Of course! I'm the ant god! ;)
The*Empress said:
* Have engaged in sexual acts for reasons other than procreation.
Of course, how else are we supposed to satisfy ourselves?
The*Empress said:
* Have undressed people with your eyes at family reunions.
Hasn't anyone ever seen a MILF?

I guess I'm going to hell! :twisted:
OMG :eek2:

This man or woman is psycho and so obsess with me...

Guido attacked me all day, and every day.....
This person doesn't have a job...
He or She said I need to get a job...

WTF, what about that person get a JOB???

If he or she is working, then that job must be lack customers.
or maybe he or she needs 2 jobs...

This person wants to destroy me, he or she pm me and post
stuff about me...

Destroy me? What you wanna kick me down or hurt me or
kill me???

If you are so bored, Guido, why not go track down
bad criminals that are out there killing folks and kidnapping kids
and molesting kids...
Instead of attacking me who stay at home all day...

Gosh.... Get a life, or get a man or woman, or go to gay club or

Get the Fu*k Out of my LIFE!!!!!!
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