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  1. mich

    Thank Youuuuu

    Thank you to everyone who helped me with my paper! It is done today, and now i have to turn it in. Wish me luuuuck.... Maybe if i like my grade i'll post it so y'all can celebrate with me. :dance2:
  2. mich


    yea, that starts next quarter, rignt now i'm only doing 12 credits. I'm working 37 hours during finals week though! AHHH! I am like you, i dont worry about parties and stuff, i mean, school is way more important to me! Except when my boyfriend is home from the marines (which is rare!) then i am...
  3. mich


    :D only.... 12 days until spring break! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  4. mich


    to ITPJohn yea, i totally feel you. I was working about 30+ hours per week because we were understaffed where i worked. Just recently we hired a couple of new people, so without warning, my hours were cut down to like 20. sort of a bummer, but a relief too, considering i am taking 16 credits...
  5. mich


    wow, i would hate to live in the middle of nowhere! haha arent you bored out of your mind!? how exciting that you get to move and go to college though, i was really happy when i started school (although i havent moved from home yet, arg). Thank you so much for your input. I really...
  6. mich


    wow... 9 years is a long time!!! what did you major in? I'm going for nursing, so hopefully only 5 or 6 years for me!
  7. mich

    Feeling Yucky

    I hate days like that. :/ I'm sorry.
  8. mich


    THANK YOU! you've been the most helpful person so far, i really appreciate it. Thats a good site for some info. sweeeeeet. :hug:
  9. mich


    ummmm..... I'm not sucking up. sorry. I just try to be a nice person. You're welcome for the kiss though.
  10. mich


    hello! My name is michaela. I am not deaf or hoh, but i am looking for someone who might help me out! I am writing a paper on cultural space, and the topic i chose is deaf culture, because it interests me very much. is a REALLY cool website, and everyone is super responsive...
  11. mich


    hey! my name is michaela, and i'm new to AD. Im not deaf or hoh, but i am hoping to make some friends and learn something new. i just wanted to say hi, and i hope someone (or someones) will be interested in talking with me! I am writing a paper on cultural space, and what it is like to be in...
  12. mich


    go for itttt Hey! Thanks for welcoming me to the site, i am hoping to learn a lot and make some new friends. Although i joined for a paper, i am not planning on leaving once its finished, this is a really neat site, and everyone is so nice! Yea, nursing is really exciting to me. I am only...
  13. mich


    :d thank you for the reply!
  14. mich

    What is wrong with being Deaf?

    i am very sorry that you are having such a hard time. I myself am researching the deaf lifestyle, hoping to relieve some of my prejudices. I didnt even know that i HAD prejudices until i began my research. I know now that deaf people are not handicapped, that they live their lives as...
  15. mich


    I'd love to help. i am not deaf or hoh, but if you have any questions, i would love to help in any way i can. I myself am trying to learn more about deaf culture, so maybe we can help eachother? :mrgreen:
  16. mich


    hello! My name is Michaela. I am 18 years old, and in college studying to be a nurse. I am very excited to join this site and meet some new people! I am not deaf or hoh, but i am curious to learn about deaf culture, and hopefully relieve some of my assumptions and make some friends. What i...