

New Member
Mar 1, 2006
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hello! My name is michaela. I am not deaf or hoh, but i am looking for someone who might help me out! I am writing a paper on cultural space, and the topic i chose is deaf culture, because it interests me very much. is a REALLY cool website, and everyone is super responsive, friendly and nice. I enjoy it very much. one of the questions i have about alldeaf is:

What are some interesting or compelling facts about this space ( might help out-group members understand it better? What i mean is, how do you feel about having this space dedicated to you?

if anyone could answer, it would really help me out! Thanks so much, its great to make new friends.

Mich :kiss:
thanks for the kiss....and the sucking up was excellent. what i like most about this site are the hot AD ladies. thats what keeps me coming back.

AJ said:
thanks for the kiss....and the sucking up was excellent. what i like most about this site are the hot AD ladies. thats what keeps me coming back.

I'm not sucking up. sorry. I just try to be a nice person. You're welcome for the kiss though.
Buenas dias

mich said:
THANK YOU! you've been the most helpful person so far, i really appreciate it. Thats a good site for some info. sweeeeeet. :hug:

Here's a link to more AD info:

Welcome aboard. I've been part of AD for a year and a half. There's some good folks and good info here. Stick around and explore. If you need more help, just say so. I finished my college degree in May, so I remember having FUN with various projects. Hopefully you'll finish your degree in less than nine years. That's another story. :D
wow... 9 years is a long time!!! what did you major in? I'm going for nursing, so hopefully only 5 or 6 years for me!
mich said:
wow... 9 years is a long time!!! what did you major in? I'm going for nursing, so hopefully only 5 or 6 years for me!

I juggled school (2-3 classes), work (30 hrs/wk average), and sleep for 18 semesters to get my Assoc. Degree in ASL. I moved to Kentucky six months ago and even worked a few days at KY School for the Deaf.

Good luck with nursing school.
Hi Mich, I joined AllDeaf.... actually really, I did not even know a Deaf forum even existed. I am not sure how I stumbled onto this website.

I live in Pennsylvania in the middle of nowhere for 200-300 miles and no Deaf person for miles around. I am thankful to have AllDeaf especially at a time like this so really for me, AllDeaf is a way to have a Deaf social life until I move back to the big city.

I am sure AllDeaf is a big help to another Deaf people who are in the same boat as I am with living in the countryside with no Deaf social life for miles and miles all around.

I am happy to be moving to Pittsburgh for college testing and evaulation for one year before I go to Gallaudet University or NTID so that will be a good deal.
wow, i would hate to live in the middle of nowhere! haha arent you bored out of your mind!? how exciting that you get to move and go to college though, i was really happy when i started school (although i havent moved from home yet, arg). Thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate/need the help!

to ITPJohn
yea, i totally feel you. I was working about 30+ hours per week because we were understaffed where i worked. Just recently we hired a couple of new people, so without warning, my hours were cut down to like 20. sort of a bummer, but a relief too, considering i am taking 16 credits next quarter... just thinking about it makes me tired. hahaha. How interesting it would be for me to visit a school for the deaf. well, i hope to talk to you more!

Needs professional help

mich said:
bummer, but a relief too, considering i am taking 16 credits next quarter... just thinking about it makes me tired. hahaha.

16 credit hours and work!!! You won't know if you're coming or going. Forget about trying to drive anywhere or go on a hot date.

You can tell that I was an older student. I'm worried more about sleep deprivation than the next keg party. ;)

I'm a little slow getting back to you because of a big project at work. I thought that I would be working 12 hour days for 8 nights straight until I almost passed out in front of my boss this morning. Long story, but am fine now.
yea, that starts next quarter, rignt now i'm only doing 12 credits. I'm working 37 hours during finals week though! AHHH! I am like you, i dont worry about parties and stuff, i mean, school is way more important to me! Except when my boyfriend is home from the marines (which is rare!) then i am sloppy and spend all my time with him :) today work is a mess! Its so busy its crazy. But i gotta go, i'm on my lunch break and its time to get back to work. ick!!!!! talk to you later! :)
