Search results

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    Spurs=Champs! Pictures inside!

    LOL, this thread isn´t closed! Detroit Pistons is the new NBA champion 2004!
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    Best NBA Rookies?

    LeBron James is the best rookie!
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    Who's December Birthday?

    Maybe Santa Claus
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    Yeah, Cheerleader is a sport! The first Cheerleader was a man!
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    ~ Cowgirl*s comeback ~

    Welcome to Alldeaf, Cowgirl...have fun in Alldeaf! Cowgirl is a fusion by a cow and a deaf girl! :thumb:
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    Your Christmas wish list?

    My Christmas wish list? Wanna a new computer for top games (Half Life 2, Doom 3,...etc) :D
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    School for the Deaf

    Can´t find a list of Deaf Schools Who can find a link?
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    LOL, wrong translation of Chris96....bearing is "gebären" in german worth, but he means "gebärden" English it is "sign" DGS = German Sign Language I think, Chris96 want to know who can sign in German @Cowgirl&Chris96: Welcome in Alldeaf!
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    Video Effects(warning: not for 56k)

    Good work for cool gifs, SuperHuman! :thumb:
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    Herbie Brooks 1937 - 2003

    Oh, hockey has lost first Roger Neilson now Herb Brooks? God bless both of them!
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    A nEwCoMeR fRoM gErMaNy

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    A nEwCoMeR fRoM gErMaNy

    Thanx javapride! :ily: No prob with icons! :wave:
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    If AD was a town

    LOL, same topic in German Deaf-Forum I´m boss of Deaf TV! :ily: Who is the milkman? Who hero? :laugh2:
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    Hello my name is

    My name is T-800 and say to Bush: "I will be back"
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    Sign in if you're proud to be Deaf

    If God is deaf, nobody is proud to be deaf! Maybe hearing people will be proud to be hearing! No Deaf will be Cyborg (it means CI) :mrgreen:
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    deaf girls never say no

    kevbo, maybe U can´t say YES, YES, YES! :laugh2: God: Wanna 1 billion $? kevbo: Y......NO! :laugh2:
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    How did you hear about AllDeaf v. 1.800.852.7899

    Found this site in German CrAzY_AnGeL :ily:
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    Spurs=Champs! Pictures inside!

    Gongrats Spurs! Which team will the Champions 2004? :mrgreen:
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    2003: Tour de France

    Oh no, Armstrong wins! But Ullrich was very good, too! (why, why he must fell down, why, why) ;)
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    Total Communication

    Is Bilingualism better than Total Communication? Which method is the best for deaf pupils?