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  1. N

    CI or wait for something better?

    Reading all the CI success stories has made me want it more. its so tempting. but i found this that is kinda holding me is supposedly to be better than CI and is hoping to come out in less than 5-10 years. Auditory Nerve Implant Next Big Hearing Loss Breakthrough
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    CI or wait for something better?

    yea I might look into that so see if I am a candidate. The thing is...would i regret having a CI 5-10 years down the road which made me ineligible for something that makes CI looks like a thing of the past and would make you hear smoother and sharper sounds like a hearing person would? would you...
  3. N

    CI or wait for something better?

    well to give you a basic background of my hearing. I was born normal hearing and lost my hearing at the age of 2 due to meningitis. I am 100% deaf in my right ear and i'm not sure how much deaf I am in my left ear. I wear an hearing aid in my left ear and I can hear sounds in the hearing world...
  4. N

    Xtreme Deaf Gamers Forum

    ah..i forgot about AD until i saw someone mentioned it at the XDG forums! good to see some of you here
  5. N

    about losing hearing

    lost it when i had meningitis at age 2.
  6. N

    A question...

    Why are there so many different religions? like catholic, methodist, buddhism, muslim, etc. If there was really a God, should everyone in the world be focusing on one religion?
  7. N

    I’m Leaving AllDeaf.

    I thought I was playing along with your joke? :( but yea, i havent been here more than you did to kno the members that well. I can understand what you are doing now bc I've been at a forum with a group of members that I have known for more than 4 years. If one of them pulls a stunt...
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    I’m Leaving AllDeaf.

    i think barney made this thread to get some attention. He posted it and waited back to see the responses he would get. He is obviously not going to leave. he would've been gone already, and yet he is still posting. which is pretty pathetic. I feel the same as steel.
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    Sidekick Tricks

    how can i stop getting spam email on my tmail account? its so frigging annoying to see an email about increasing ur penis size and all those stock market advices, which are pretty much spam. any suggestions?
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    The 40-Year-Old Virgin

    well, thats your opinion. i think the movie, 40 year old virgin was too long and some parts of the movie were awkward and should've not been included. one minute its funny, then the next minute its not. i did enjoyed dukes of hazard more than 40 year old virgin. but thats my opinion.
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    The 40-Year-Old Virgin

    meh, i wasnt impressed... dukes of hazzard was better tho
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    Alldeaf on myspace

    well, u guys can add me if u want..
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    2-Year-Old Gets Drunk; Baby-Sitter Charged

    well, you gotta start em young, prepare them for college. lol jk. but yea that sucks. if i was the parent, i would kick the babysitters ass.
  14. N

    How can I say this nicely?

    i woudlnt worry about it bc many normal hearing kids that work at supermarket get treated like that all the time.
  15. N

    Keyboard for cellphone?

    thanks for the suggestions guys. i'll be looking into them :)
  16. N

    Deaf Career

    one thing i came up with is being a teacher at a deaf school. like teaching art in middle school. something like that.
  17. N

    Hey there

    thanks for the welcome.. well i figure i should post a pic of me and explain a few more things... I do not kno any sign language, which is ironic. My speech is fine and everybody understands me well. I'm a lip reader. I am going to take sign language next semester bc people always asked me...
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    The Official Member Picture Thread

    well heres me... playing beer pong in my dorm at college lol.
  19. N

    Deaf Career

    Ok, I am a student at kent state university majoring in Graphic Design. However, I am nervous about the job situtaion in the design world based on hearing disability. I am worried of having a hard time finding a job bc of my hearing disability. I realized that communicating is critical in this...