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  1. G


    My son played his very first game of baseball tonight. I was so apprehensive because I thought he would get hurt or not hear the coaches. The coaches were amazing with him and placed him close to them so he could hear what they were saying. It was pure joy to see my oldest daughter signing...
  2. G

    BAHA or Cros?

    Tomorrow is the big day for my son. What is best profound unilateral hearing loss for a seven year old? Cros or BAHA? Anyone with any experience that you would be willing to share?
  3. G

    Zero Support :(

    Today, my 7 yr old son had his MRI to rule out any tumors or such for his hearing loss (right ear profound deafness, adopted at age 4; brought home at 5 1/2). After we were done with that lovely 4 hrs, we went to a grandparent's house. I had to work on her computer and Jude just wanted to...
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    Meniere's - My Story

    I was diagnosed with Meniere's in 1989. It was one of those things that I didn't think much about. I had had a car wreck when I was 16 and I hit my head. Dr. said that was the cause. It started out with SEVERE vertigo where I felt like my body was standing still and the world was going a...
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    From Unilateral to Bilateral?

    How many of you guys have had unilateral loss (or their children in my case) and after time, lost hearing in the "good" ear? Without knowing his medical history and no way of ever finding out, this question is on my mind. My son, just turned 7 (he came to America from Ethiopia, a year and a...
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    Virgin Territory

    My son, adopted from Ethiopia, has recently told me that he "no hear out of that ear." I thought he was joking...well, he wasn't. I took him to the local health department for an initial screening. He failed his right ear and passed his left. She encouraged us to see an ENT. I, then, took...
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    Hello from KY

    Hello guys...I'm thrilled to find this site! My name is Brandi and I have been married to my husband for 19 yrs. We have 6 children (3 born under the heart and 3 born in the heart). Our oldest dd, Bug, is 17. She works part time, wants to be an FMD teacher, is fluent in sign language...