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  1. R

    Lipreading in Fiction

    I was wondering whether you like the way lipreading is portrayed in fiction, or whether it's inaccurate. I've read several stories that present it like normal spoken dialogue, but mention that the d/Deaf character is looking at the other person and lipreading them. Are you happy with that...
  2. R

    What is Deaf culture anyway?

    I know that there is a Deaf culture, and that culturally Deaf people use ASL and have a non-pathologized view of d/Deafness, and that Deaf people tend to suggest involvement in Deaf culture as beneficial for audiologically deaf and hard of hearing people... but that's about all I know so far...
  3. R

    Deafness in fiction?

    For anyone who doesn't mind answering... I know there are already works of fiction out there that feature d/Deaf characters or portray Deaf culture. I assume a large number of them are inaccurate or offensive. Am I correct in making that assumption? If so, what kinds of inaccuracies do you...
  4. R

    Forum smiley breakdown by handedness

    There is nothing serious or meaty in this thread at all. I just noticed that Deaf was left-handed and then I couldn't stop... Cool2, wave, Deaf, hmm, rockon, sadwave, owned, thumbd, ily, fingersx, ugh2, thum, nono and wtf are all lefties. Giggle, bye, smash, and whip are right-handed. It's...
  5. R

    Is this audist?

    Someone forwarded me this email: The video is Thien Thu Quan Am, and the dance definitely is amazing (it's really beautifully choreographed and it does seem like it would be really hard to do it and keep in sync with everyone else, but it doesn't look like it would be that much harder...
  6. R

    Attempts to cure deafness?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but am I correct in saying that people used to try all sorts of stupid things in an attempt to cure deafness? (Do they still?) I mean, self-evidently stupid folk remedies. Like trepanation or something. If so, I'd be interested in hearing examples. (Tell me if I make...
  7. R

    Can you tell me about oral successes?

    What do oral "successes" sound like? Do they have noticeable accents? If you're good at talking, do people ask you where you're from? Do they think you have some kind of cognitive impairment? Or do they pretend not to notice anything? How well can lipreading work? Assuming you're really good...
  8. R

    Newbie here-- hi there!

    Hello there, I'm an ASL student (I can hear the groans now) and I think Deaf culture is interesting (because everybody's just dying to be somebody's research subject, right?). I'm also a fiction writer and one of my characters is Deaf. (I'm starting to sound like a list of Things Every Deaf...