Forum smiley breakdown by handedness


New Member
Aug 24, 2012
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There is nothing serious or meaty in this thread at all. I just noticed that Deaf was left-handed and then I couldn't stop...

Cool2, wave, Deaf, hmm, rockon, sadwave, owned, thumbd, ily, fingersx, ugh2, thum, nono and wtf are all lefties. Giggle, bye, smash, and whip are right-handed. It's hard to tell with ty, rl and rifle, but I think ty is left-handed and the other two are right-handed. Of the two smileys depicted in cheers, one is left-handed and one is right-handed. I also think popcorn is right-handed.

It's impossible to tell with most of the others, but beer deserves a special mention for being no-handed (he seems to be telekinetic).

Here's a list of left-handed smileys:

:wave: :deaf: :hmm: :thumbd: :fingersx: :rockon: :sadwave: :Owned: :wtf: :ugh2: :thumb: :ily: :crazy: :nono: :ty:

Here's a list of right-handed smileys:

:giggle: :bye: :smash: :whip:

Smilies that are both:


It looks like most of this forum's smileys are lefties. Of those characters whose handedness I can discern, between five and seven (maybe eight) are right-handed, while sixteen (at least two thirds) are lefties. Why is that? Is it some little-known fact that most Deaf people are left-handed or something? Or are the smileys, like Inigo Montoya, not left-handed?

Deep mysteries indeed.
Yeah, this is a very serious matter......(insert left-handed sarcasm smiley here)

My educated guess is that someone wrote one script code that just happens to use the left hand, and all other script codes were created using that one source. Why start over when you can copy and save time?
what talk you say sign language?

what you serious!! what do you do how 0.o!

you are visual on look likes? ! you serious! kidding!
Smithr, are you asking me to explain in ASL? I'm not very good yet. I'll try, but it may not be right.

Last night, happen I post on AllDeaf, look at Smilies. Smiley name Deaf :deaf:, sign use left hand. Surprised why? most people use right hand. Click "More" see smilies a lot. Most use left hand but some use right hand. Smiley name cool2 :cool2:, rockon, wave :wave:, Deaf, many different different use left hand. Smiley name giggle :giggle: use right hand. Some smiley, use left hand, use right hand, which? I don't know. Smiley name beer :beer:, happen he thirsty, drink beer. Lift glass, use hand none. Use telekinesis maybe. (How sign "telekinesis"? Magic?)

Most smilies left-handed, I notice. Why? Act left-handed trick people like Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride maybe? (You see movie? Man name Inigo Montoya fight Wesley use left hand. Happen Wesley almost win, "I am not left-handed" Inigo say, fight use right hand.)

Serious? I not. :giggle: