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  1. H

    why so many deaf single men?

    In my terms, Grummer, it isn't about social classes. It's about character amd the sums that make up it: strength, integrity, honor, chivalry, and more. Each individual is a part of a certain place and their character is measured. The worst the person is, the more likely that person is in the...
  2. H

    why so many deaf single men?

    I am posting what I believe what I see, Grummer. If you believe that I was posting to be cute, try to attract all the girls here on, I'm sorry you think this way. I wasn't. I wrote out of my heart what I believed, not what I wanted them to hear. If the girls suss me out for...
  3. H

    why so many deaf single men?

    Your choice, Derek. What Katz4Life was trying to say is that committed relationships never were games. Dating is a process that you go through. It's a building foundation of what the both of you like, dislike, understand, don't understand, etc. It's the bridge that brings you two together...
  4. H

    why so many deaf single men?

    Wow, quite the statistician you are, DeafTim! Got any proof that having siblings do increase the chances of having a girlfriend? Possibly by an officiated government study? From Cambridge? Princeton? Go on, offer me this proof. DeafTim, I have had two sisters and have not had a...
  5. H

    3 Hidden Decisions that Destroys your Budget

    For some people, it works having a safe at home. For some, cashing the rest of the surplus back into savings. Others simply just keep it in their checking and use it when they need it as additional $$$ to buy anything. I'm gonna have to keep that in mind since it seems reasonable and your...
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    Beware of Scammer

    She's right, guys. The odds of finding any are greatly higher than what you find online but there's a chance that anyone could find love online provided the two parties are the genuine article.
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    Hello. (:

    Hello Taylor, Great to have you on and hope your baby boy comes out into this world for the first time with his eyes. :) So, hi! Welcome!
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    3 Hidden Decisions that Destroys your Budget

    Another way to reduce debt or a bloated budget is to use debit cards. Yes, you got it. Debit cards. By activating credit on your debit card, you have two different alternate means. The difference between a debit card and a credit card is that the credit card makes you pay back payment with...
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    Huscurian, HOH Dude from Texas

    Why not? I agree with expressing yourself through an introduction. First impressions make a great introduction. ;) I'm just glad that you were able to find out a part of who I am and I'm even more than welcome to have any friend chat with me online to find out more. That's where good...
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    Hearing babe lookin for a friend :)

    Culturally insensitive, sorry. Then again, I'd have to check again to see what's culturally sensitive and what's not. However, if an actual hearing person talked dirty to a new friend, it still does not bode well. It's similar to what's been looked at. Lol, Cheetah. Very funny. Yes, I...
  11. H

    Who is single here?

    HOT HOT HOT Deaf Guy Seeking Nice, Heartwarming Gal Hi, my name is Hun.... Oh wait, this is definitely not Oooooopsss! I'm single here too but I'm living life at the moment. Currently, I'm studying Kinesiology (Human Kinetics; Health Promotion), getting together my NASM...
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    Hearing babe lookin for a friend :)

    Not a good way to start making a friend.
  13. H

    why so many deaf single men?

    Even if she's wrong, it's better to diplomatically write your argument instead of sending a flying expletive her way.
  14. H

    why so many deaf single men?

    Interesting, DeafTim. To sum it up, you think most deaf people are not intelligent enough to carry a cerebrally stimulating conversation? Not even pass off a good sense of humor? Or help make a girl relax, feel comfortable with things that she knows she can talk about? To be honest, I...
  15. H

    Westboro Baptists To Picket The Burials Of Norway Terrorist Attacks' Victims

    I agree with you Dixie that homosexuals who change do not do it overnight. It takes a lengthy process to be able to roll back. However, when it comes to homosexuals, I do NOT advocate hate speech, sexual slurs, etc. It sets back homosexuals and further worsens the problem. Westboro is...
  16. H

    What did you do today?

    I worked out today, a maximum of 2 to 3 hours. :) Been working on my entire body group. Feel great. Now I need to start thinking about a 5.1 mile run. Woo! Alameda-Ocean Drive, be prepared to get run over! Right now, I'm gonna take a shower, plan on getting free ticket from
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    Huscurian, HOH Dude from Texas

    Thanks everyone and Sweet Candice. You just summed up a part of who I am: inquisitive, curious, informative. :) I intend to stay at and see where I can go with this forum. Thanks for all your introductory messages.
  18. H

    New to all of this

    Hello Lauren, Some of the technologies you can use are what the others have posted. However, if you feel like you're having a hard time using ASL but are trying to call Pizza Hut for a nice, delicious, water-devouring pepperoni pizza at 10PM, try this site...
  19. H

    I am Blown Away!

    Yeah, those kinds of things do surprise us sometimes. Your friend definitely shows that he does care about you. :) He's the genuine article, emphasizing a good and true friendship. Hope it blossoms well over the years. :) That is definitely one of a kind surprise. Congrats.
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    'Child Bride' Says Sex w/Pastor Began at age 9

    Maybe not but it can sure free up taxpaying dollars putting them to jail for 20 years to life.