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  1. P

    Last Movie You Watched?

    I saw Big Mommas 2 last Friday at midnight release. I personally think this movie is beyond horrible.
  2. P

    introduce myself

    thanks :]
  3. P

    introduce myself

    thanks for the welcome! I really like your screename!
  4. P

    introduce myself

    I'm deaf, I can talk and read lip very well. I'm really into sports and nutrition. I'm basically a fitness guy. PS: thanks for the welcome!
  5. P

    introduce myself

    I guess this is perfect place to introduce myself. I've been lurking around this website for a year and finally decided to post. I would like to apologizes to one member (cant recall her name) on this board for being rude and not properly introducing myself. deuces!
  6. P

    What did you do today?

    just woke up with bad case of hangover.
  7. P

    What did you do today?

    I watched that game yesterday. What a great game!
  8. P

    Pro bowl NFL

    I don't know why they even actually play this stupid game. They should just vote people to the teams , like the ALL-Pro team , and that's the end of it. It should be an honor awarded to the best players and that is it. Why risk the injuries in a pointless scrimmage ? They only pick the...
  9. P

    Anyone here follow baseball?

    So yeah, just wanted to see anyone here follow baseball. gotta love the Red Sox nation!
  10. P

    to all WWE/wrestling fans

    eh, I haven't watch WWE for like two years or so. I heard The Rock is back tho. PS: go Red Sox!