Pro bowl NFL


Brady lady
Premium Member
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score
Wirelessly posted

This is it while it last for everyone to watch some team players from your favorite team. Its so nice to some Patriot players on the AFC side . NFC is leading so far, sure hope they (AFC) can earn some points. Its all in good fun. Enjoy the game! See you all again next football season and do have on the off season.
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Pro Bowl is a complete joke! I missed it unintended but just a good thing I did after peeking few video reviews of this game from online news this earlier am... poor fans for wasting their money by showing up into a circus instead. jeez!
I agree, horrible game. AFC didn't even get hardly any points on the board.
Well, they lost by 14 points.....this game is supposed to be the show/circus that it is.....honoring the best players. I watched just the 4th quarter.

I think the Pro Bowl should not be played anymore.
Yes, that's true about it not being played anymore :lol:In a way its fun just like NHL have their all star games, good to see best players be out on the field while it lasts.
I don't know why they even actually play this stupid game. They should just vote people to the teams , like the ALL-Pro team , and that's the end of it. It should be an honor awarded to the best players and that is it.

Why risk the injuries in a pointless scrimmage ?

They only pick the most popular players to play the game.