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  1. K

    My names Matt :)!

    Hi Matt! Nice to meet you :]
  2. K

    ASL Alphabet?

    Thanks everyone! All of this has helped and I'm on the right track to correcting my ASL alphabet xD I think your right, those are the only letters I really got confused with.... I was doing the Quiz Me thing on ASLPro and when I was watching the fingerspelling I was just like, 'what in the world?'
  3. K

    Hi people! i'm Sas

    Hi Sas! I'm Kodi :)
  4. K

    ASL Alphabet? That's the website I used ^
  5. K

    Hi everybody! I'm Kodi :]

    Wow, Kubra? That's a cool name! :)
  6. K

    ASL Alphabet?

    Well, I found some print out pages online that my friends gave good reviews for. It told me the alphabet they had was a tiny bit outdated, but I didnt realize it was THAT off....
  7. K

    ASL Alphabet?

    Thanks a bunch :)
  8. K

    ASL Alphabet?

    Can someone tell me what the ASL Alphabet looks like? Because apparently the one I learned is completely wrong :(
  9. K

    Hi everybody! I'm Kodi :]

    Nice to meet you all :]
  10. K


    Hi Hide! Nice to meet you, I'm Kodi. :)
  11. K

    Hello from Colorado! :D

    Hi Markie, I'm Kodi. :] Nice to meet ya.
  12. K

    Hello out there:)

    Hi Mia! Nice to meet you :] I'm Kodi!
  13. K

    How many people here are NOT deaf?

    I am hearing, I just joined. How is everybody today? :) I'm Kodi.
  14. K

    Hi everybody! I'm Kodi :]

    Hello, my name is Kodi! I'm 14 years old. I'm not deaf, but I read this really cool book over the winter about a deaf boy and I thought wouldnt it be neat to learn sign language? So I'm currently teaching myself, gonna get some DVDs next school year, and I thought maybe I could join this forum...