Search results

  1. R

    Adobe PhotoShop Experts?

    yeah thats one i have been to before but theres another one was l33t i cant remember the url to it
  2. R

    Adobe PhotoShop Experts?

    I have been through from photoshop 2.0, most of time i looked up the resources on web, the bible, tricks n shit it will help you alot ... i have really no problem doing photoshop with next new verison ( i have is 7 and 8 (CS)) try this devarts, you can...
  3. R

    This is for pc gamers who play counterstrike, quake 1,2,3, call of duty, battlefield 1942, doom 3, and other games they play. even LAN too Come! and go to forum or just click this url
  4. R

    Ditch Blockbuster.

    oh man, they werent educated about deaf and they still treat deaf unfairly. I wouldnt go to that place again if they treat me like a shitznit...I would just call the blockbuster headquarter and explain the situation. You seem fine and have no problem gettin a job there. i dont understand them. I...
  5. R


    Updated again I went there for an job interview and i dont see a interperter there. I have to read the lips every questions and write on paper for them. well that sucks
  6. R


    HipRelay a screen name for AIM use for sidekicker users or cellphones users also.. amazing ? :) its a relay service for deaf/hh ... such as sorensonvrs, sprintrelayonline, etc. ya know i like this than bring up my internet broswer up. I think im going to try go over there and have...
  7. R


    Updated I called an interperter service that I know of. _________________________________________ HipRelay: HRS CA1344FT DIALING xxxxx(private) HipRelay: RING 1 HipRelay: all american HipRelay: intepreters for the HipRelay: deaf (f) bladeownzjoo: hi bladeownzjoo: this is robert...
  8. R


    ok, this mourning, electricial job called today and want me to come down and have interview at 5pm this afternoon. They called my faincee's cell phone number and ask for me but She told them that Rob is hearing impaired and I will have him to call you. They was like uh ummm. Can he hear at all...
  9. R

    Cochlear Implant Interview

    1. What is your hearing status before surgery? Profound deaf, hard of hearing, etc? How is that? Born deaf, diseases, late deafening, etc? ---Profound Deaf 2. How old do you feel? ---- Heh, it's feeling like I'm a baby when hooked up for first time. 3. When do/did you get cochlear implant...
  10. R


    we should talk with nad, ada, lawyers,senates, pres, and whofuckever in a conference meeting how much despreate we have in years without job due to how people have already treats us like shitnizt. I think we should build a site and have look at people's comment how much discrimmated they have...
  11. R

    Windows XP to 98?

    i just dont like xp thats it. im gald it work out for you.
  12. R


    There are so much people who doing hire at the jobs when you are trying to apply for skills/trade, professional, and any kinds of job that does not want deaf or hard of hearing to work with them because they are afarid of getin sued by other company... i.e. You work as an electrician...
  13. R

    Cochlear Implants

    yeah 3G is much better and comfortable use. im courise if they would work on a new project for new processor in the future come with "waterproof" that we dont have to take it off while shower or swimming... theres digital camera with waterproof out already so our processor should be next.
  14. R

    X-Box games for sale

    try ebay.. yll get more than $15 :) a friend is selling his xbox with 20-30 games for $150 that incuclde xbox live, and all of shit he has that is a great deal. dont know if he already sold it
  15. R

    something going on my computer after

    :) try linux ... i have downloaded 600mb of fedora on my rh 9.0, it took me 20 mintues finsihed downloaded.. compare to my win2k download takes 2 hours finsih downloaded. werid huh :dizzy:
  16. R

    Cochlear Implants

    lucky i dont have tinnitus :) yeah, I have that 3G processors (2 of them) they are much better than SPrint. I enjoy the sounds, but sometime it make me ill when there's unexpect sound come to you like baby crying, and aggresavting even annoy
  17. R


    lol this is my old thread.. i cant remember my passworf for prof bush... :) there's a software at (store product--->3G-->support tools) you should see "Sound and Beyond Software" which it priced at $290 More infos ---> this is...
  18. R

    AIM Screen Names

    lol. i've never see anybody retard like this... Your parnets must have raised you the wrong way.
  19. R

    ASCII Text?

    find something unique :o)
  20. R

    This is a Medium Threat Advisory Upgrade for W32/

    do you guys think norton antivirus created virus so norton can make money off it :o