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  1. DavLaurel

    75 Bands(56k warning)

    Talking Heads.
  2. DavLaurel

    'Jaws' Author Peter Benchley Dies at 65

    No doubt the original hardcover is, though I was reading someone else's paperback edition. I DO own the first edition of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which a cousin gave me for my 12th birthday. UNFORTUNATELY my name is on the flyleaf!
  3. DavLaurel

    'Jaws' Author Peter Benchley Dies at 65

    "Jaws" is on my (very short) list of books I couldn't finish. When I came to the part where the girl feels a tug, reaches down and touches the bone that's all that's left of her leg, I decided, that's enough for me.
  4. DavLaurel

    Riddle me this: Genesis 2:24

    "But for Adam no suitable helper was found." This is truly bizarre. Are we to suppose God created male and female animals, yet supplied Adam with a mate only after noting his loneliness--and only after determining that no animal would make a suitable companion? That displays an amazing lack...
  5. DavLaurel

    Who is older member here ?

    Will be 52 in December. How time flies!
  6. DavLaurel

    "Do You Remember?" -- a game

    That was just before I turned ten, I was in a school for the physically handicapped at the time, I remember the principal coming in and giving us the news, and Jerry, an older kid with no hands, sayng "Oh God".
  7. DavLaurel

    "Do You Remember?" -- a game

    I believe those were the little orange plastic monkeys that you could link together to form a chain. They were featured in one of the Toy Story movies. Anyone remember "Mr. Machine"?
  8. DavLaurel

    "Do You Remember?" -- a game

    I remember that well. By any chance does anyone remember/know all the words to the Chiclets jingle? "When it rains/It's never wet/Those tiny drops/Are real Chiclets."
  9. DavLaurel

    The Actors/Movies Game

    Death on the Nile
  10. DavLaurel

    The Actors/Movies Game

    So you think he's a Sexy Beast, eh? :)
  11. DavLaurel

    Anyone from California?

    If you learn anything let me know, I'm very curious. The exact address is 16633 Devonshire Street. I vaguely remember Roscoe. We generally went to the big shopping center at Devonshire and Balboa. You might be interested to know it is snowing here and the wind is blowing very hard.
  12. DavLaurel

    President Hillary Clinton

    I don't think Chelsea was conceived in vitro... Mary Bono once said something to the effect that she was impressed by Lewinsky's testimony that Clinton gave her three orgasms in a 40 minute period. Or something like that. It wouldn't surprise me, I think we can all agree Bill has had...
  13. DavLaurel

    The Actors/Movies Game

    Anne Heche
  14. DavLaurel

    Anyone from California?

    Howdy! My uncle lived in Canoga Park. We lived on Devonshire Street, between Hayvenhurst and Balboa Avenues. The house we lived in was later abandoned and fenced off from trespassers, we have always wondered what happened with the owner who bought the house from us.
  15. DavLaurel

    Anyone from California?

    I grew up in Granada Hills, in the San Fernando Valley. Left in 1970 to come to DC, and after the death of my father the family moved to Missouri.
  16. DavLaurel


    Codger: "It became apparent that man, with his free will and sinful nature could never achieve perfection of a sinless existance." Adam, who was made sinless, couldn't achieve that, either. And neither did Lucifer, who was also originally sinless. (why did God suppose things would be any...
  17. DavLaurel


    If God didn't want anyone to suffer in Hell, he could simply arrange for its non-existence. Hell exists--if it does--because God wants it to exist. If God really loved humanity, I'd think he'd end disease, restore sight to those blinded and hearing to those deafened, and so on. But he hasn't.
  18. DavLaurel


    For God so loved the world, he decided it wasn't enough for mankind to follow a few do's and don't's, as demanded of the Israelites, but believe in the divinity of a particular person. Or suffer eternal torment, no matter how commendable one was otherwise. Does love say, "Love me--or burn in...
  19. DavLaurel

    Watergate's Deep Throat

    A couple years ago there was a lot of speculation that Pat Buchanan was Deep Throat, I wonder why he's off the list of suspects now. How's his health lately?
  20. DavLaurel

    Difference between Democrats, Republicans and Southerners ?

    Ah yes, Michael Savage, the whackadoodle who was fired from MSNBC for calling someone who phoned in a "sodomite" and saying he wish he'd "get AIDS and die".