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  1. E

    Can hearing people get video phone?

    Yeah its something that I have not seen anyone talk about. Dont bet on the vrs companys figuring that one out as they would make less money if hearing people could call deaf people without relay. It’s not in the vrs companys best interest to bring that issue up. It will need to be consumers...
  2. E

    why some deaf people are staying home whom not going to work?

    Most all people have a choice. I will say for someone who WANTS to work they don’t need VR. If the person has good work skills like showing up on time and not missing days of work bec they just didn’t feel like going they will find a job. If they work as hard as they can at what ever...
  3. E

    Who is the Best VRS provider?

    Correct me if I am wrong but dosent sprintvrs contract with hovrs to provide their service..Think they are both one in the same.. I do know before sprintvrs contracted with csdvrs but that ended sometime ago.
  4. E

    Can hearing people get video phone?

    So when the new number system goes though how would a hearing person who I would guess is not able to get a "phone number" for their vp going to call someone who has been required to have a phone number.
  5. E

    FCC orders 911 and numbers for internet relay

    Yes once they have a set number that is assigned to you they can finally start CHARGING YOU.... Everyone stand up and cheer...... See once they can assign a number to a fixed address the phone companys now have a means of charging and billing you ..... Still say getting a fixed...
  6. E

    Rights of Deaf in Court???

    Yes an appeal should be filed. There is a time line you must meet. Ask the lawyer to contact the NAD legal department. They would be able to tell him what to put in the appeal. There are cases out there that have been appealed based on the lack of an interpreter and they won. So there is...
  7. E

    Question for VRS users

    When a VRS interpreter asks you to repeat what you said because they didn’t understand or when they ask you to repeat a persons name or phone number because they missed it or whatever reason what do you do? What do you do if they do it several times in a call? Do you roll your eyes and throw...
  8. E

    tax break

    If you show up late he will fire you.I wont get into all the details of what you could ask for and what you could get but in the end you will show up late one day and he will fire you. Then you wont have a job. Does he buy all the other people working for him a phone? Bet not.Bet they...
  9. E

    National Association of the Deaf screwed us over with this class settlement

    Does not seeing the bonus features really change your over all quality of life? Sheesh you would have had to just kill yourself if you lived back in the 1920s.Sheesh my goodness I mean my life would just fall apart if I couldn’t see those bonus tracks on a dvd. If not having a dvd bonus track...
  10. E

    ssi and marriage?

    "If only I were a mexican migrant or asian immigrant." Err well that wouldn’t help, you would still be looking for a hand out and still not have a job and still have no money.You would then be complaining how badly we mexicans and asians are treated in this country. Since you say you cant...
  11. E

    Doctor visit

    Also If you know any people who give lots of money to elected state officals try and get them to help.Tell them it sucks the doctor has to pay for it and there should be a better way of doing this than having the doctors fighting deaf people and deaf people fighting doctors.
  12. E

    Doctor visit

    Let’s get to the roots of the problem. The fact that the person doesn’t have good enough control of English to understand what the doctor is saying. How many people who don’t have good control of English file complaints or even know how to. Do people who have a 3rd grade reading level file...
  13. E

    Relay Privacy?

    They could monitor what you type and say on your computer or phone line.Not that they would but they can.There are programs out there that can capture what you type so they could review that or just remote into your computer and watch what you type.They could also remote into your computer and...
  14. E

    Sorenson - Missed Calls

    Sorenson interpreters always ask if the person calling wants to leave a message if sign mail is set up.Its up to the caller if they want to leave one or not.Some people have sign mail set up and some dont.You should check and make sure your sign mail is set up.
  15. E

    CDT Dimond

    Nothing but a scam. I see people getting scammed all the time.Calling CDT and freaking out about where their money is. DONT GIVE YOUR MONEY AWAY ON SUCH A SCAM. Such a shame. But if you think CDT is leagal then give me a call I have some beach front property for sale in Nevada.
  16. E

    Is there any way at all to trace relay calls?

    Richard I am shocked!!!!! You discriminate against the deaf by hiring hearies over deafies....Shame on you....LOL With all the posts about others hiring hearing people over deaf people I would have thought you would be the last person on earth to hire hearing over deaf.
  17. E

    Is there any way at all to trace relay calls?

    Show your lawyer this story.Then ask if you can show the cops the story and tell them if they dont stop you will go to the media and explain how dumb the cops are in this town.They get fooled by nigerians or who ever.I am thinking they dont want to look like fools for going after the worng...
  18. E

    Mcdonalds wont fully accommodate Deaf needs

    <<<<<absolutely not. there's not a chance this is true. mcdonalds (and all other purveyors of food - restaurants, fast-food joints, and grocery stores) MUST meet FDA standards when selling meat. all of the body parts you mentioned are areas that CANNOT be sold, and are thrown away when they cut...
  19. E

    National Association of the Deaf screwed us over with this class settlement

    So getting them captioned didnt help the deaf community? Wasnt that the whole problem ? It would seem that organizations that got money serve the deaf community dont they?The deaf community benifits by having captions and some money to provide services that they wouldnt have been able to...