Recent content by What?

  1. W

    Dizziness after implantation

    Good point. I just hate vertigo!!!
  2. W

    Dizziness after implantation

    I found out that I am a CI this past week. Now my mind is actively thinking about what my next step will be. My biggest concern is that I have bilateral Meniere's Disease and I worry that the implantion will result in vertigo issues. For those that have been implanted, what was your...
  3. W

    Hello (Again)

    I thought I would say hello again, since it's been a long time. My Meniere's disease has officially reduced my only good ear to a severe rising to moderate hearing loss. I have been identified as a CI candidate and I'm looking forward to educating myself on alldeaf! Thanks in advance to all...
  4. W

    Going deaf @ 28

    32 and diagnosed with bilateral Meniere's about three years ago. Snap crackle pop, and I don't mean the cereal:( (Inside humor for us Meniere's kids) Welcome to Alldeaf. It's actually been quite a while since I've been on here, but you will find a lot of good resources.
  5. W

    Where do I begin?

    I'm experiencing one of the longest valleys in my endless journey with fluctuating hearing. If I need a CI eventually, then I'm open to this idea. The thing I worry about most is being able to communicate with my beautiful wife and little 2 year old boy. Where do you go to get the basics in...
  6. W

    willbucks here

    Vielen Dank! Ich werde meinen Weg nach Deutschland nächstem Jahr für Octoberfest machen. Mein Bruder hat viele Freunde in München. Prost!
  7. W

    Stressing Big Time!

    Looks like we share the same struggle. Losing my hearing at my age literally freaks me out! In a way you don't feel accepted by the hearing or the Deaf. I like how you put that we are "stuck in the middle." As I just started to seak advice on this site, I noticed some of the suggestions...
  8. W


    How do I keep track of posts that I have made. I've used threaded discussions before and have not run into problems. I'm just confused and I'm an IT director. This is not good.
  9. W

    Stressing Big Time!

    I'm sure it's great to learn any ASL, but the problem is everyone around me would also need to do the same. I can speak perfectly since I've had good hearing for most of my life. My doc talks about how sooner than later the CI will help me communicate and do my job. At this point I'm freaking...
  10. W

    Seeking information on BAJA implants

    BAHA/ Not for Everyone My surgeon tried to fix my right ear affected by Menier's disease. The surgery was and Endolymphatic Sac decompression with an added shunt. The outcome was total deafness in my right ear. He kept telling me the BAHA would be so great and it would allow me to hear on my...
  11. W

    Stressing Big Time!

    Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Thanks for summarizing for me. One note though: the bad days are becoming the norm.
  12. W

    Stressing Big Time!

    Hi All, This is my first post to AllDeaf. I'm 31 years old and have been dealing with Meniere's disease since I was 16. I only had it in one ear until two years ago when the other ear started up. I'm now experiencing days where I can barely hear others in meeting and definitely not in loud...