Recent content by Songbird2319

  1. Songbird2319

    Hey, new here!

    Me too
  2. Songbird2319

    Hey, new here!

    Update: hearing is fine. Dr wants me to try low salt diet for tinnitus. Said what I thought was hearing loss was caused by the pressure in my ears. Could be a cochlea thingy. Not dying of brain cancer, not rapidly losing my hearing. He just wants to keep an eye on me. Thanks everyone for support!
  3. Songbird2319

    I miss my mom

    Right now I live with my dad and yes completely different
  4. Songbird2319

    Lose some win some

    A one shot about losing hearing/gaining deafness "So you're not scared?" "Most days? Not really. I mean obviously it's an adjustment. And crowds and phone calls are annoying. But most days I'm just annoyed with the being in between. You know, hearing people smack and slurp and pop gum but...
  5. Songbird2319

    Is anyone on here is poet

    I am! Have some messed up poems but most just fluffy
  6. Songbird2319

    Deaf boy who needs a family

    My dad was a single parent throughout my teens. If he can handle that then I'm pretty sure a single dad could handle a toddler
  7. Songbird2319

    I miss my mom

    I dunno of this counts for this thread but whatever. I miss my mommy. Let me explain. My mom and I were outwardly very close when I way little. She was my favorite person. She stayed with me till I was old enough for kindergarten. And it was amazing... Most of the time. My mom had very bad...
  8. Songbird2319

    Blank Space

    I'm not exactly neuro typical. I have A.D.D. and autism like tendencies. It was a prompt in creative writing class. I like writing in different perspectives. I like trying to, instead of creating a character and writing, peer into a character's head and then write what I find. I also find it...
  9. Songbird2319

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Huh. Didn't think I was deaf enough to be hard of hearing. Okay. I can live with that. I guess. Wow. :shock:
  10. Songbird2319

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    @dogmom I don't consider myself to be deaf yet, just hearing never gets better with age.. I kind of ran off into twelve different paths and forgot where I started from and decided to post the train wreck anyway. As of right now I consider myself mildly hard of hearing because I'm fine in a quiet...
  11. Songbird2319

    Hey, new here!

    I had to schedule it myself. This was a minor emergency clinic... I don't have a regular doctor, and I haven't had a hearing test since middle school, maybe even before that. I've done online ones, but no official tests.
  12. Songbird2319

    Wrist pain

    Probably just sore. They're doing things they're not used to, and my ligaments are loose so... I'll just use braces or arthritis gloves. Should be fine. Just checking to see if normal. I'm terrified of messing everything up, as I probably need ASL later.
  13. Songbird2319

    Wrist pain

    Absolutely not easy, though I've gotten pretty fast, all things considered
  14. Songbird2319

    Wrist pain

    I also sign left handed, as that feels more natural, but wright right handed because I was forced. So some of it is probably because I'm not used to moving that hand as much. I'll get a keyboard thing and wrist braces
  15. Songbird2319

    Wrist pain

    Yeah, anything that turns my hand like this hurts. At first my e was super tight, but I've kinda loosened up. Apparently I just need to live at a doctor's office:laugh: