Recent content by Nishiki77

  1. Nishiki77

    Hearing girl has issues with other hearing guys

    Not necessarily. Reading your post, it almost sounds as if you are telling these guys that learning how to communicate with your parents is an ultimatum on dating you. You have to remember, these guys are dating you, not your family. It takes time for people to get used to culture shock...
  2. Nishiki77

    Walking With Hearing Aids

    I would not worry about a sprinkler going off, since you can walk away from it. I don't wear my aids when I am running or playing tennis, etc, due to excessive sweating. Sweat is more corrosive than tap or rainwater.
  3. Nishiki77

    Getting a hearing aid re-cased

    Interesting...I thought the UK's healthcare system was universal, but you are saying that coverage varies from county to county??? If it will cost you just under 100 pounds, you might as well order a new one made in South Asia from eBay for the same price. I have one, works very well.
  4. Nishiki77


    MRI is the best way to check for abnormalities without cutting you open. If you really want to know what is going on inside your ears, get the MRI. I've had it a few times, it is no big deal. Just have to sit there and don't move for a few minutes.
  5. Nishiki77

    A Motorcycle Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    LOL...keep in mind that you are comparing a 25 year old bike to a new one. I love the sexy looks of old-school bikes.