Recent content by moon_godess06

  1. moon_godess06

    does anyone have any advice on formula intolerance????

    yes i did go to a consultant. they told me that it was ecause of her being born a month early is why she couldnt quite get what she was supposed to do.
  2. moon_godess06

    does anyone have any advice on formula intolerance????

    i've already talked to the ped. he's switched the formula 2 times already and put her on rice cereal. i tried to breastfeed but couldn't. shes on a soy formula at the moment but its not doing much good.
  3. moon_godess06

    does anyone have any advice on formula intolerance????

    does anyone know how to handle formula intolerance as well as acid reflux? my daughters got both problems and nothing we try seems to be helping.any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  4. moon_godess06

    Which do you like the best?

    i like Quizno's better than subway i think. never heard of Firehouse
  5. moon_godess06

    What's your favorite sushi?

    i like most sushi , but some of my favs are crab roll bbq eel crunchy roll white fish tuna mackeral
  6. moon_godess06

    Heavy Metal

    i like heavy metal/alternative/death metal. some of the bands i like/listen to are slipknot,korn,disturbed,icp,rammstein,evenescence,and him. theres several other bands that i listen to thats metal.
  7. moon_godess06

    which would you choose Mountain Dew or Mellow Yellow??

    i dont like either of them really. i prefer either coke or tea.
  8. moon_godess06

    Cat owners read!

    i have 3 cats. one grey one thats about a yr old.her names sassy. a white female cat named misty which is about 2yrs old and a black male cat named midget hes about 1yr old.they are all american short hair cats
  9. moon_godess06

    pics of you

    heres a pic of me.(im in the black top)
  10. moon_godess06

    I am New!

    :welcome: to alldeaf.hope you enjoy it here.
  11. moon_godess06

    Your Elemental Sign?

    im a water sign. im a Scorpio
  12. moon_godess06

    Do u eat Sushi?

    Yes. I eat and like sushi,but I will only eat certain things. I also don't eat it all that often.
  13. moon_godess06

    Please wave at me from UK!!

    hello.welcome to ad. :)
  14. moon_godess06

    What kind of Coffee do you drink?

    i like mocha and iced coffee.