Recent content by LuvsInk

  1. LuvsInk

    So...what's the deal with homosexuals?

    My comment was for anyone coming in here and complaining. I'm gay. I don't advertise it, I don't force it on other people and I certainly don't shove my religion down anyone's throat. So, why do straight people feel it necessary to come into our chat area and preach and/or whine. I'm not...
  2. LuvsInk

    Bi Question

    That sounds to me like you were in transition and finding out who you were. I was married and thought I was bi. Eventually I realized that I too liked women better than men and am also a lesbian.
  3. LuvsInk

    where do i get a lawyer for ada violation?

    You first have to file a complaint with the Department of Justice in writing at the following address: U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Disability Rights Section - N.Y.A.V. Washington, D.C. 20530 Then look up your Human Rights Commission...
  4. LuvsInk

    Dumb access denial excuses for your service dog

    Why wouldn't someone want one?
  5. LuvsInk

    Gift for the wife

    I laughed until my sides hurt. Thanks, I needed that kind of laugh. Too funny. I can picture my dad doing something like that.
  6. LuvsInk

    So...what's the deal with homosexuals?

    I just don't get all the straight people coming into the gay section and bitching and preaching. Geez, I don't go into the straight areas and make a big tado about straight people. Give it a rest already. If you don't like us, stay out of our bars and don't come into our chat area. I have a...
  7. LuvsInk

    Dumb access denial excuses for your service dog

    I don't think that I could have described it better myself. As to an earlier question to me in this post that if a doctor is allergic I could be denied. Well, happened, I sued and won. I wasn't even a patient of the doctor who was complaining. The employer is obligated to make other...
  8. LuvsInk

    Sidekick 3 !!

    I'm waiting. There is no upgrade incentitive and there seem to be a lot of bugs that need to be worked out. People are complaining about having to rebuy their apps if they're available for the SK3. I have seen complaints of dead pixels. I will wait and stick with my trusty SK2. Besides...
  9. LuvsInk

    Daisy Dukes..

    Two years ago she was at Daytona Bike Week in a bikini. Unless there are two them that age and brave.
  10. LuvsInk

    Ban TV commerical?

  11. LuvsInk

    Homophobia issue

    You state God said . . . May I ask when you had this conversation with him? Why do these people keep coming into our forum preaching their notions and ideas? We don't go into theirs trying to turn anyone, so why do they keep coming here? God made me and I am what I am. Is this person...
  12. LuvsInk

    Homophobia issue

    Let us not forget the section of the bible that states "thou shall not judge least ye be judged"
  13. LuvsInk

    Attn: Anyone

    Hi, I posted a similar message myself. I'm just looking for chat buddies too. I don't have many deaf/hard of hearing friends and can always use another one. I live if Florida but AIM knows no distance, lol. If you think we have similar interests to chat about leave me a message and I'll send...
  14. LuvsInk

    Older Florida Femme seeks friends

    Would like to meet some chat buddies and have some friends to hang out with close to home or just some chat buddies to instant message with. I'm 49 and would prefer people close to my age to discuss topics of interest. Maybe shopping pals if close by, etc. Activity partners also welcome...
  15. LuvsInk

    Why ferrets make the most fun pets of all

    Thanks for a great laugh. Ferretts are pretty cool.