Recent content by Kaimia

  1. Kaimia

    So-called Terps- Sending Deaf PPL to Hell

    If you had read the full definition of "verbal", you would see that not only does it pertain to words, but it pertains specifically to words that are orally spoken. No sign language is spoken orally. ASL is defined as a "non-verbal language" by neuroscientists who study language acquisition...
  2. Kaimia

    Would anyone be willing to answer these questions?

    Age: 19 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Scottish/German American Overview/Heritage 1. Do you know Sign Language/ASL/Cued speech? Did you go to school for hearing-impaired? I've known some sign language since I was in 3rd grade, but I'm taking classes in college now to learn more. I mostly...
  3. Kaimia

    any1 from midwest ??

    I'm from Minnesota, Twin Cities area.
  4. Kaimia

    Finals headaches, anyone?

    I have a chem final I'm really not looking forward to. It is over everything this semester, so I have to try to remember all that stuff. And it is at 8am in the morning! Other than that I have an ASL final, but that is easy. For biology, just a case study that is in a small group (easyish)...
  5. Kaimia

    Hi! I've been lurking...

    Tousi - That's cool! My mom went there too. I'm the second of the family to go there. TiaraPrincess - Yep, there are! The one in my icon hangs out around my house, but he doesn't really have a name, just "White squirrel." There are two on campus though. The scrawny little one is named...
  6. Kaimia

    Hi! I've been lurking...

    So many Minnesotans! I'm from the Twin Cities and am at the College of St Catherine. There are only three other girls here who are deaf/HoH, one of which is a freshman like me. :) No, I don't wear HA's becuase of all the other stuff with my ears. Breezy - I'll look your MSN addy and add...
  7. Kaimia

    GOOD NEWS! Easy Incoming RELAY calls on Sidekick, Hiptop and BlackBerry!

    Okay, thanks, I might have someone call me when I'm there with an away message up, not answering, so I can see for sure. Don't want to be missing calls or anything!
  8. Kaimia

    Hi! I've been lurking...

    Thank you thank you! Cheri - Yeah, there seem to be a lot of Minnesotans here! Liebling - Danke! Roadrunner - We don't think I was born HoH, but no one's very sure. It started getting progressively worse when I was in 10th grade though. I was 15 then; I'm 19 now. We don't have...
  9. Kaimia

    GOOD NEWS! Easy Incoming RELAY calls on Sidekick, Hiptop and BlackBerry!

    Mine's all set up, now I just need someone to call me!
  10. Kaimia

    Hi! I've been lurking...

    That's okay, I knew what you meant. Yes, I am the only HoH one. (Although, my dad is getting old and keeps saying "What??" more often, but that's just something that happens.)
  11. Kaimia

    Hi! I've been lurking...

    Thank you for the welcome! MsGiglz - Yes, the squirrel is from Minnesota too. They are my favorite animals. :) It was at the neighbor's feeder and I took the picture this summer. Magatsu - Yes, I am the only one.
  12. Kaimia

    Hi! I've been lurking...

    I've been lurking around here for a very long time, decided to register awhile ago, and finally decided I should do a long overdue introduction. So, hi! I'm a freshman in college, majoring in biology. Not exactly sure what I want to do with it, but I've been thinking about teaching at a...
  13. Kaimia

    GOOD NEWS! Easy Incoming RELAY calls on Sidekick, Hiptop and BlackBerry!

    I'm usually logged into AIM, but if I am logged in but have an away message up and am not there, will it just go to the answering machine feature becuase I didn't answer?