Dad sells son's 90-dollar video game online for more than 9000

Do you really think the father has control over who the son hangs out with at school? I bet he won’t be allowing those kids over to his house after this incident.
Which is all the more indication that the situation needs to be addressed from a different perspective, such as teaching a child to make better judgement of people and situations in the first place. And the other children are an excuse. The problem lies with the son's choice to associate with those people who reinforce his desire to smoke pot. The friends are the result of his behavior, not the cause of his behavior. Not allowing them at his house may give the parent a false sense of control, but it it very much false.

And I am sure you will not make the same mistake with your own children. You seem to be a diligent person and I expect you will do your best to raise your children and teach them the things you were not taught. I am sure this father feels he is teaching his son a lesson about consequences involved with drugs. After all, if he grows up continuing to do drugs he may go to jail, or keep from getting a decent job (drug testing), etc. Maybe the father wants to influence his future decisions by taking the action he did.

No, Liebling did.

It’s not a “gift” until it’s given.

The father’s intention changed due to the poor behavior of his son.

And the only way that revoking the gift serves as apunishement is to first make clear that the intent is there and then revoke it. And, like I said before, if provided as the result of compliant behavior, and revoked for non-compliant behaviour, it is not a is a reward and a behavioral control technique. Which kind of skews the intention behind the gift, now doesn't it? The parent is offering the gift in the first place not out of love and willingness to give to the child, but out of an attempt gain something for himself....compliance from the child. That is called manipulation.

Okay, what the son did was WRONG. I see absolutely nothing
subjective in that.

Incorrect. "Wrong" is as much a subjective assessment as is "not right" as they both represent the same concept. And both are subjective and based on any number of variables. I hope that this “behavioral control method” was sufficient to end the bad behavior, but if not, I am sure the father will try other methods as well, including and probably not limited to, “teaching his son to make better judgments regarding people and situations”.

Incorrect. "Wrong" is as much a subjective assessment as is "not right" as they both represent the same concept. And both are subjective and based on any number of variables.And had the teaching come first, as it should have, the behavioral control techniques would not be necessary. It is much more successful to dothat which will prevent the behavior than to try to remediate it once it has already occurred.

All we know is a small portion of the overall story. Without more information on which to base our judgments, we are at best just guessing what the father has already done and what he may or may not do in the future.

And once again, I saw those words as SARCASM.

The identity of the boy and his father were never revealed, so I don’t see how that would affect the son’s self esteem.

Where do you get that??? I don’t see that implied at all.

For all we know, the dad may intend to use the $9100 for future rehab services for his son. *shrug*

Isn’t that exactly what you are doing when you assume that this is the only course of action this father is taking with regard to the situation?

I don’t think it really matters what any of us think, since we are not the ones in the situation and the son was not physically injured through this means of discipline. We all have different parenting styles and techniques and it is okay to differ from one another.

Good post, Berry!

Actually, there is a BIG difference here. The father did not steal anything, as it never belonged to the son. And, I doubt the father will use the proceeds for illegal purposes.

How can you be so certain?

Not a big differnce at all. The message is still conveyed that it is acceptable to convert what is intended for another for one's own profit and use.

Again, we do not know what further actions this father is taking, so let’s not make unsubstantiated assumptions.

No we only know what he has done. And that is what is being commented on. And if the article is simply to point out the father's good fortune in making a profit off of the situation, then this is a father who perhaps needs to thank his son and his friends for smoking pot in the back yard and making it all possible. I'm fairly certain that would be the perspective of the son.
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jillio said:
No we only know what he has done. And that is what is being commented on.
No, there have been A LOT of assumptions made on everyone's part.
Drug rehab for a first offense? Having his son labeled and put on record as a drug abuser seems much worse than selling a game on eBay.

You rather to wait until the boy is addict to marijuana before the boy is then send to Drug rehab? Think about it, the boy smokes and wasn't too careful about hiding from his own father, and his father caught him that's a sign of red flag right there, that just tells that this son needs some help or otherwise he'll keep smoking until he's addict to marijuana and it'll be much harder for him to quit. Do you think every drug abuser can quit after going to Drug rehab not always likely they would. So don't jump to the conclusion that he's going to put on record as a drug abuser or that he's a drug addict that needs to put into an institution, that's not the point the point is helping him realizes that drugs can effect his whole life if he continues using marijuana, Drug rehab can help that problem for him before he gets worse.

Believe it or not, this may be a chance for a parent to develop a closer relationship with their teens, instead of pissing the teens off more by selling one of the games on ebay is not gonna make the problem go away, in fact the son will continues to smoke, and keep lying to his own father. I don't and will not see no develop relationship between him and his son, because he took something that his son wishes for Christmas, and now that he is not getting what he wants for Christmas is just going to make him angry, Not by accepting it as a form of punishment, he's going to hate his own dad and that's a shame.
No, there have been A LOT of assumptions made on everyone's part.

Let's see......

1) Father caught son smoking pot

2) Father sold gift intented for son's Christmas as a form of punishment

3) Father made a profit of $9,000

Nope, no assumptions. Simply stating an opinion based on the above facts is not an assumption. It is simply a discussion that has evolved from the facts.
You rather to wait until the boy is addict to marijuana before the boy is then send to Drug rehab?
Drug rehab programs are designed for people with drug addictions and dependencies. There was nothing in the story to indicate that the boy had been using drugs on a habitual basis, or that he was addicted to drugs. We don't know if it was his first experience with drugs. If he's not addicted to drugs, he shouldn't be sent to a facility that's for drug addicts.

Function: noun
often attributive 1 : the action or process of rehabilitating or of being rehabilitated: as a : the physical restoration of a sick or disabled person by therapeutic measures and reeducation to participation in the activities of a normal life within the limitations of the person's physical disability <rehabilitation after coronary occlusion> b : the process of restoring an individual (as a convict or drug addict) to a useful and constructive place in society especially through some form of vocational, correctional, or therapeutic retraining
2 : the result of rehabilitating : the state of being rehabilitated <the ultimate aim of a detox program is the rehabilitation of the patient>

There was nothing in the story indicating that the boy had dropped out of society or needed detoxification. Unless there is further evidence, there's no reason for the boy to be put into rehab.

Believe it or not, this may be a chance for a parent to develop a closer relationship with their teens, instead of pissing the teens off more by selling one of the games on ebay is not gonna make the problem go away, in fact the son will continues to smoke, and keep lying to his own father.
None of us know the relationship between them, and none of us know how the boy reacted. We don't know what the boy will do. We don't have that information.

I don't and will not see no develop relationship between him and his son, because he took something that his son wishes for Christmas, and now that he is not getting what he wants for Christmas is just going to make him angry, Not by accepting it as a form of punishment, he's going to hate his own dad and that's a shame.
There is no way that any one of us can know that the boy will "hate" his dad.
Gonna make two posts on this subject here so bear with me.

First thing, I would like to say is that the irony of all of this is that more people will be hunting for this game to buy at 90 dollars and then selling it on ebay.

Stories like this always bring out the vultures.
No we only know what he has done. And that is what is being commented on. And if the article is simply to point out the father's good fortune in making a profit off of the situation, then this is a father who perhaps needs to thank his son and his friends for smoking pot in the back yard and making it all possible. I'm fairly certain that would be the perspective of the son.
When the father put the game on ebay, he had no idea how high the bidding would go.

You can't be certain of the boy's perspective on the situation. There are no statements by the son in the story at all, so we have no idea how he views this.

For all we know, the father might use the money as a positive incentive for the boy.

We just don't know because none of that information was in the story.
Now I am gonna state my opinion on the story itself.

I believe what the father did is right. NONE of us like to be told how to parent our children, so why do we always stick our noses in and tell others how to parent theirs?

In essence some of us are trying to tell this father that he is a bad parent or wrong in his judgement. Would we like someone to do that to us?

While we may not agree with what this father did, isnt it up to us to withhold our opinions and say that's his child, he may raise his child as he sees fit?

I dont agree with the way several of my friends raise their children and what they do, but it is not my place to tell them they are wrong, it is not my place to tell them what to do, and it is for sure not my place to tell them that raising their kids to go along with my beliefs is the only right way.

I believe what this father did is right, in the fact that he is that child's father and raising that child as he sees fit.
Drug rehab programs are designed for people with drug addictions and dependencies. There was nothing in the story to indicate that the boy had been using drugs on a habitual basis, or that he was addicted to drugs. We don't know if it was his first experience with drugs. If he's not addicted to drugs, he shouldn't be sent to a facility that's for drug addicts.

You're right for one thing, there was not enough information based on the son's habits of using marijuana, but take Liebling's sister for an example (forgive me, Liebling :hug:) she was addict to drugs and she did not seek for help on her own, even pushed her own family away from her. Tell me why? Because she's already addicted to the drugs, drugs control the body and mind of the individual. This is why she was anger at the world, anger at loved ones, anger at oneself, anger at being an addict and having to get clean. So why wait? It won't help either the individual or the family. He'll get worse before he will get better, think about it, more social withdrawal, anixiety and depression, attention problems, and thoughts of suicide. I rest my case. :)

The father of the teen can sell as many of his son's games, but it's not going to help his son with his drug problem. Parents are supposed to take care of the problem the problem is he was catch with smoking marijunana, now what is the father gonna do about it? keep selling his games until he straighten up? :ugh:
When the father put the game on ebay, he had no idea how high the bidding would go.

You are correct. But the fact still remains that he profited in a huge way.

You can't be certain of the boy's perspective on the situation. There are no statements by the son in the story at all, so we have no idea how he views this.
No, I can't be certain of the boy's perspective. But I can venture a guess based on knowledge of the way teen-aged logic works. A clue to his frame of mind is the fact that he was caught smoking weed in his own back yard.
For all we know, the father might use the money as a positive incentive for the boy.
And I hope that will be the case. If that is what results, then it is a win-win situation.
We just don't know because none of that information was in the story.

Correct. Those possibilities have simply come to light in open discussion regarding what we do know.
You're right for one thing, there was not enough information based on the son's habits of using marijuana, but take Liebling's sister for an example (forgive me, Liebling :hug:) she was addict to drugs and she did not seek for help on her own, even pushed her own family away from her. Tell me why? Because she's already addicted to the drugs, drugs control the body and mind of the individual. This is why she was anger at the world, anger at loved ones, anger at oneself, anger at being an addict and having to get clean. So why wait? It won't help either the individual or the family. He'll get worse before he will get better, think about it, more social withdrawal, anixiety and depression, attention problems, and thoughts of suicide. I rest my case. :)

The father of the teen can sell as many of his son's games, but it's not going to help his son with his drug problem. Parents are supposed to take care of the problem the problem is he was catch with smoking marijunana, now what is the father gonna do about it? keep selling his games until he straighten up? :ugh:

Very thoughtful post, Cheri. And you are absolutely correct. Punishment does not effectively end drug abuse or addiction. And you are correct also about the progression. An addict always gets worse before they get better.
You're right for one thing, there was not enough information based on the son's habits of using marijuana...The father of the teen can sell as many of his son's games, but it's not going to help his son with his drug problem. Parents are supposed to take care of the problem the problem is he was catch with smoking marijunana, now what is the father gonna do about it? keep selling his games until he straighten up? :ugh:
We don't know if the boy has drug problem. The article doesn't state that, so whatever we say about the situation is pure speculation, that's all. We only know that the boy was caught once with pot.
Very thoughtful post, Cheri. And you are absolutely correct. Punishment does not effectively end drug abuse or addiction. And you are correct also about the progression. An addict always gets worse before they get better.
How did the boy in the story go from smoking a joint to full-fledge drug addict? Why assume that he's already an addict? There was nothing in the story indicating such a thing.
You did great on your post, Cheri. It shows how thoughful you are about my sister´s situation and didn´t forget about my thread over my sister. Yes, look at my sister... Thru her situation, we learn a lot about this and how to help the people, teenagers and children like this etc. I know awful a lot thru my sister´s drug situation until she lost her life to methadone last May 2006. I find sad some ignorants around here to make nasty remark toward me so I choose to not take their posts serious and let them think I have no knowledge or whatever.

That´s exactly what you said in your previous post "You rather to wait until the boy is addict to marijuana before the boy is then send to Drug rehab? Think about it, the boy smokes and wasn't too careful about hiding from his own father, and his father caught him that's a sign of red flag right there, that just tells that this son needs some help or otherwise he'll keep smoking until he's addict to marijuana and it'll be much harder for him to quit."

Yes, this is an alarm if the boy was being caught again for a second time which mean is he continue to use drugs to ignore positive education, he received from his parents after being caught for a first time. It´s red flag and alarm!!! Take him to physican for the help. The physcian would make a test with him or send him to cousnellor in rehab or drug centre where he can get positive information/education over drugs issues before it goes worst later instead of wait until the boy become to addict the drug then... Look at my sister... No Way...
How did the boy in the story go from smoking a joint to full-fledge drug addict? Why assume that he's already an addict? There was nothing in the story indicating such a thing.

What do you think he was doing then? a marijuana experiment? Just because the father caught him, it doesn't mean he hasn't done it before. You don't want to escape the reality that he is smoking marijuana doesn't matter if we do not know if he's a drug addict. Try staying focused on what he did. There is help available for him, that's the whole point I'm trying to say. :)
Hey, I'm in a hurry so I might regret not taking this from the top but I agree with the Dad AS LONG as he still gave the son a gift for Christmas, just not the guitar.
How did the boy in the story go from smoking a joint to full-fledge drug addict? Why assume that he's already an addict? There was nothing in the story indicating such a thing.

I didn't say anything about the boy in the post, but simply affirmed Cheri's statements regarding drug addiction, and her belief that punsihment is not the most effective way to address drug abuse or addiction. One can, however, abuse drugs without actually being an addict. And , if one is abusing drugs, the same psychological concepts are involved.
What do you think he was doing then? a marijuana experiment? Just because the father caught him, it doesn't mean he hasn't done it before. You don't want to escape the reality that he is smoking marijuana doesn't matter if we do not know if he's a drug addict. Try staying focused on what he did. There is help available for him, that's the whole point I'm trying to say. :)

And, chances are very good that this wasn't the first time, given the fact that he was confident enough to be smoking in his own back yard.
You did great on your post, Cheri. It shows how thoughful you are about my sister´s situation and didn´t forget about my thread over my sister...

*Whew* I wasn't sure if you would take offended for bringing up your sister that's why I said to forgive me if I did offended you in any way. Thanks for having the courage to understand the reasons on why I brought up your sister. :hug:
Do you really think the father has control over who the son hangs out with at school? I bet he won’t be allowing those kids over to his house after this incident.

It´s a feeble excuse to blame his son´s friends for "bad influence" his son like that. I do not accept those feeble excuse. I would say HE and HIS friends choose to experiment the smoking pot out of curious, not blame each other or whatever. It´s parent´s job to firm their children in positive discipline, not blame anyone...

No, Liebling did.


It’s not a “gift” until it’s given.

The father’s intention changed due to the poor behavior of his son.

Punishment for poor behaviour has nothing do with his Xmas gift. Dad needs to keep this issue seperate.

Okay, what the son did was WRONG. I see absolutely nothing subjective in that.

So? Do you think all the children/teenagers/adult should be prefect as angel, should be NEVER wrong? No, we always make mistakes and also did wrong but we correct our mistakes. It does the same with parents who show their correct on their children/teenager´s behavior then they will learn the example from their parent´s role and will know that what right or wrong is about instead of focus material things as punishment/humliament.

I hope that this “behavioral control method” was sufficient to end the bad behavior, but if not, I am sure the father will try other methods as well, including and probably not limited to, “teaching his son to make better judgments regarding people and situations”.

All we know is a small portion of the overall story. Without more information on which to base our judgments, we are at best just guessing what the father has already done and what he may or may not do in the future.

And once again, I saw those words as SARCASM.

The identity of the boy and his father were never revealed, so I don’t see how that would affect the son’s self esteem.

Where do you get that??? I don’t see that implied at all.

For all we know, the dad may intend to use the $9100 for future rehab services for his son. *shrug*

Isn’t that exactly what you are doing when you assume that this is the only course of action this father is taking with regard to the situation?

I don’t think it really matters what any of us think, since we are not the ones in the situation and the son was not physically injured through this means of discipline.

Are you sure?

Actually, there is a BIG difference here. The father did not steal anything, as it never belonged to the son. And, I doubt the father will use the proceeds for illegal purposes.

Again, we do not know what further actions this father is taking, so let’s not make unsubstantiated assumptions.

Did you read what he wrote on his ebay websites?