What color is your hair?

what color is your hair?

  • blonde

    Votes: 7 12.5%
  • brown

    Votes: 29 51.8%
  • white/grey

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • black

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • red

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • something else

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • multicolor, mix

    Votes: 7 12.5%

  • Total voters
I have naturally dark brown hair but i had been dying it for awhile and i don't think i remember seeing all my hair being natural brown sicne i was like 16 or so lol.

when i was little i had dirty blond but then change to brown when iwas like 4 or 5
My Natual is dark brown, but I have all my grey so I dyed a bit red... :)
Natural Dirty Blonde but no longer my natural hair... turned into Brown hair as natural adult now.. I miss my dirty blonde.. Not even bother at all..

Sometimes, I do dye my hair different color looks.. depend my mood.. :)
My hair is simply brown.

I've bleached it several times in the past.

First time I bleached it, I dyed it maroon... but it became pink then orange. Yikes!

The rest of the times I bleached my hair, I left it alone.

I did dye my hair without bleaching it. I dyed it black, but it was the shiny kind. So, it looked blue sometimes. :ugh:

I bleached my hair a couple months ago. ;)
My hair is brown now - natural color. But I've dyed it blonde, platinum blonde, blue, green, neon pink (orange in blacklight) - it faded away to become a mixture of blonde, pink and orange - sunfire head lol. When I graduated from college, I became serious and let my hair go back to its natural color.
I was kid, YELLOW BLOUDE... then 20's, light brown.... in my 30's, DYE FROST for three years and now it is natural as mix (Redish, Brownish, and Bloude) and accept my gray, too.

If miss it then too bad. :)
My Hair is Blonde.....bored. I want something different colors in my hair. oh I don't know yet :)
Medium brown but used to be very light brown when I was kid.
My natural color is black. I had my hair in gray already. Oh, yeah I dye my hair sometimes. Only in black. :giggle:
I have mid brown hair with a little bit of gray. When I was a kid, my hair use to be fair.