Who has the right?


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Jun 29, 2007
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Do people who have "Good Hearing" have more rights than people who do not ? As someone with bad hearing (me) have a right to have my t.v. or radio as loud as I need it to be without the cops getting called? Some people tell me that I am not getting a fair real because i have to keep it so low that people with good hearing can not even hear it (t.v. and radio) So who has the right?We have a sound control law in this have ass town.:mad:
Well kinda. Take a neighborhood with all hearing people. If one person has their music so loud it wakes everyone up, they have the right to call the cops. Your rights end where another person begins. It is perfectly alright for you to take a knife and cut yourself, it is not okay for you to cut another person. Same thing.... I understand where you are coming from, but try to think of it visually. Say a person that has very bad eyesight lives next to you. At night they shine super bright lights into your house, because they cannot see well in their own home. Well this wakes you up, gives you headaches, and makes looking at the TV hard. Do they have the right to disturb you like that? Don't you have the right to be in your own home and sleep peacefully without light shining in your eyes? I know you could close the curtains but for the sake of arguement say there are no curtains. Walls stop light, they don't stop sound. Sound goes through walls. A long time ago people lived in the apt next to me. They would play their music so loud that not only could i not pay attention to the TV, but it also vibrated my couch, and vibrated my dishes in my kitchen.... which was on the other side of the apt. They were SO annoying. It is the same thing. While you are correct in thinking of your rights, you also have to consider the rights of those around you.
Southern is right...

But we have our own brain to go with our needs, if you have enough money to spend, maybe you can build a sound-proof wall around the room?

If not, then well...we got to do what we got to avoid causing other people to suffer.

Same situation goes with captioning in the movie theatre. Deaf people are the losers because captioning cost other people's time/money and it's annoy for them so as the result captioning is not popular with hearing audience. So deaf people have to pay the price.

In this world, the enjoyment will come to hearing people first, lol.
One person's rights end where another person's rights begin.

When that involves residences, then all the sounds, smells, and sights that emanate from my house aren't allowed to penetrate your property.

That means, my loud music, bright lights, and burning trash smoke aren't allowed to bother my neighbors. Sometimes that means 24/7 or sometimes it means only after 10 p.m. Local laws vary, so it depends.
Yeah, when you're in the minority usually it means you have to submit to the laws of the majority. And as Reba said, the laws also apply to hearing people so no, in this case you don't have fewer rights, you're just in an unfortunate position where what's "normal" for you (loud volume) is outside the law. There is no existing "right" for people to blast TVs, stereos, etc. so you aren't being discriminated against exactly.

How about getting a good set of headphones for your TV? I don't mean those little earbud but I mean real headphones that go over your ear. You could then turn up the TV as loud as you want. It might be kind of expensive but it could solve your problem.

How about getting a good set of headphones for your TV? I don't mean those little earbud but I mean real headphones that go over your ear. You could then turn up the TV as loud as you want. It might be kind of expensive but it could solve your problem.

Good Idea! :)
I did not mean it like that.

All i am saying is some people go out of there way to make it hard for me. Here is one story . A woman that lived across the street from me who every night come out side to get something she would look up at my apt. and see if my t.v. was on. anyway she would go and called the cops anyway. Even if she could not hear it.{I can not tell normal sound ) So i would ask people if the t.v.or radio was lould? they ALL said it was not. The cops would make me turn it down so low that someone with good hearing can not even hear it.she would do this all the time and yes i do use headphones. I am not a rude person i just think it seems o.k. for hearing people do what they want. I just think hearing people seem to have more rights than us.:pissed:
I just think hearing people seem to have more rights than us.:pissed:

No, you're just encountering one b***h of a hearing person who wants to make life difficult for you.

It has nothing to do with your rights.

I am not a rude person i just think it seems o.k. for hearing people do what they want.

Believe me, it isn't. My fiancé and I keep close track of the noise laws and we report the businesses behind our house who engage in construction at midnight or on Sundays when it isn't allowed. Or the Sizzler (I hate their guts) behind our house that lets their cleaning staff steam clean their rugs at 1am so that we can hear the roaring all the way into our house. We are hearing and they are hearing and it isn't okay for them to do whatever they want. We've gotten the police involved and everything.
All i am saying is some people go out of there way to make it hard for me. Here is one story . A woman that lived across the street from me who every night come out side to get something she would look up at my apt. and see if my t.v. was on. anyway she would go and called the cops anyway. Even if she could not hear it.{I can not tell normal sound ) So i would ask people if the t.v.or radio was lould? they ALL said it was not. The cops would make me turn it down so low that someone with good hearing can not even hear it.she would do this all the time and yes i do use headphones. I am not a rude person i just think it seems o.k. for hearing people do what they want. I just think hearing people seem to have more rights than us.:pissed:

Why don't you close the curtains? I always watch tv with sound turned off.

I have the same problem with hearing people. At my former job, somebody would turn off the CC on the tv in the cafeteria. I had to go get somebody with remote to turn it back on. It had happened several times. The cafeteria is supposed to be for everybody not just hearing people.
I would have simply found a reason ANY reason to call the cops on the lady that was harrassing you - I think she would have learned well from taking a dose of her own medicine. Remember- everytime you point a finger at someone, there are 4 fingers pointing back at you. And that goes for anybody.

To solve the current problem - watch TV with the curtains drawn, and the sound ran through a headset and possibly CC if you are comfortable with CC.
Just use your common sense. Ask your brother or sister which volume for you to adjust the sound.

I was thinking that they point at you where it causes the problem, but it was really someone in other apartment room that started the problem. You could investigate it yourself if that happens.
why cant I read the last page of this thread????? Alex???
Remember- everytime you point a finger at someone, there are 4 fingers pointing back at you.

Actually, only three are pointing back at yourself. The thumb doesn't go back. :D

quote "Your rights end where another person begins." endquote

hmm thought id drop a line and rephrase the sentence since didnt sound logically right.

"Your rights end, when your actions violate another person's rights"


All i am saying is some people go out of there way to make it hard for me. Here is one story . A woman that lived across the street from me who every night come out side to get something she would look up at my apt. and see if my t.v. was on. anyway she would go and called the cops anyway.

You have an old tv? where it doesnt show volume level when turning volume up or down?

Generally speaking. most places have a time curfew for loud noises. Id think a tv being up full blast or loud would probablly be annoying. even though i couldnt hear it.


If you had some decent music on loud, but not BLARING at 1000 watts. you should be fine till like 10pm then of course need to turn it down. More like common courtsey. if you have a nieghbor you know that goes to bed at 9pm then would want to turn it down around then. otherwise someone who calls cops just cause noise coming from your unit, most certainly indicates they are just problematic people.

cruel world we live in, oh well, life goes on

some of you guys do not get it.

There is no way the woman across the street can hear the t.v. and she will call the cops anyway.
There is no way the woman across the street can hear the t.v. and she will call the cops anyway.

Oh yes, hearing people really can hear the T.V. sounds across a street. They just get used the sound environment everyday. Most "old" houses have no soundproof walls. Some new houses don't have the soundproof because the sellers want to sell their house for more profit.

As for deaf, we could see some TV blue glows (flashing) from a window across the street at night. I thought it could be a zap electric device for bugs.