Worst Mistake and Best Decision?


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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What is the worst mistake u have made in your life?

What is the best decision u have made in your life?

I will start..

Worst mistake was getting myself into credit card debt buying things that I didnt need. Now, working on paying them off.

Best decision was taking that ASL I class. Many of u know the rest of the story with that!

What about u guys?
Umm my worst mistake is..

Buying a land with my parents in the state I don't want to live, I probably have to be stuck here for one year or two more.

My best decision I've made...

Ermm... I have too many, can't pick which is the best.. Umm.. Probably being openly that I am bisexuality is the best decision for myself.
What is the worst mistake u have made in your life?

What is the best decision u have made in your life?

I will start..

Worst mistake was getting myself into credit card debt buying things that I didnt need. Now, working on paying them off.

Best decision was taking that ASL I class. Many of u know the rest of the story with that!

What about u guys?

my worst : buying roses for a girl who I loved but she was wearing a ring in her finger when I visit her.. what a bad luck :pissed: ( she did hide from me the fact that she was married :rifle: )

my best : leaving her
My worst mistake: Ever letting a guy control me

Best decision: Hanging on to the little relationship i had with my parents.
Huh? Uhh....Worst mistake: I asked a hot chick out for my military ball WHILE she has a boyfriend! Gosh....What's wrong with her?

Best Decision: I bought a first legal military rifle, No.1 MK.III Enfield or get my ass to do the work-out. I finally got the 4 abs since I graduated from high school.
worst mistake: having a bad bf for 2 years (I am not going to mention it was anything good because it wasn't)

Best: Finding a bf that is now my fiance just shortly after I get my life back in track.
The worst mistake I ever had that I clicked AllDeaf website and joined it. I'm addicted to it. :giggle:

Actually, my worst mistake that I ever helped a friend of mine a neighbor. I helped him to find a best job. In one year, he lives in NYC. He makes a lot of money. I asked him if I could sleep his apartment so that I could go to a MacWorld Expo which was not too far from his place. He said no, and slob at me. I didn't go the expo.

Hmm. A best decision, I set up a big birthday party at Tower A penthouse for my friend - at NTID. He never had a big party before. It was a lot of work for me, myself, to get two approval papers from two different supervisors that allowed me to have a place for the party. He never forgot it. :dance2:
The worst mistake I ever had that I clicked AllDeaf website and joined it. I'm addicted to it. :giggle:

Actually, my worst mistake that I ever helped a friend of mine a neighbor. I helped him to find a best job. In one year, he lives in NYC. He makes a lot of money. I asked him if I could sleep his apartment so that I could go to a MacWorld Expo which was not too far from his place. He said no, and slob at me. I didn't go the expo.

Hmm. A best decision, I set up a big birthday party at Tower A penthouse for my friend - at NTID. He never had a big party before. It was a lot of work for me, myself, to get two approval papers from two different supervisors that allowed me to have a place for the party. He never forgot it. :dance2:

Ya ought to whoop his ass.
Worst mistake, buying things that I shouldn't get while I got some debt. *shrugs* sucks, don't it?

Best decision, I don't really know. I make way too many mistakes. I'm an idiot. :\
The worst mistake I ever had that I clicked AllDeaf website and joined it. I'm addicted to it. :giggle:


Actually, my worst mistake that I ever helped a friend of mine a neighbor. I helped him to find a best job. In one year, he lives in NYC. He makes a lot of money. I asked him if I could sleep his apartment so that I could go to a MacWorld Expo which was not too far from his place. He said no, and slob at me. I didn't go the expo.

First of all, I'm sorry to hear how much disappoint you are in him.

It was happened the same thing to me before... oh well...:ugh3:
I am trying to think what worst mistake and best decision I had in my life... I will be back for further post when I remember.
It's hard for me to say what my worst mistake is as my life seems full of them. Maybe it's when I lied to my social worker and told them that the domestic problems I had told them about before hadn't really happened. I think they believed this and were not too helpful when I eventually made a break for it by making myself intentionally homeless.
Then again I made so many major bad decisions around that time that it is rather hard to know which one was the dumbest.

I think the best decision I've made is going vegan.
Worst mistake - getting mad at my good job at WFs and quitting, I ended up doing crappy jobs for the next 3 years (and still doing crappy jobs)

Best decision - to go to college despite having dropped out after one year. I do plan on going back one day even for nothing than a 2 year vocational degree.
Bad - attending the deaf school for 5 years.

Good - taking advantage of a college program that gives away free software to IT majors (and I already *am* one).

See my sig? Yes, all free for me - worth $4700 bucks.

I also got Office Pro 2003 with FrontPage, OneNote, Project Pro, and Visio Pro, worth maybe 2500 bucks - doesn't cost me a penny. (I'm skipping the 2007 version because a - I have beta tested that from November 2005 to September 2006 and b - only 4 out of the 14 applications have the new user interface ... would rather have ALL 14 applications get the new UI.)

I'm planning on getting Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (for free also) when it comes out this fall.
Worst mistake - getting mad at my good job at WFs and quitting, I ended up doing crappy jobs for the next 3 years (and still doing crappy jobs)

Best decision - to go to college despite having dropped out after one year. I do plan on going back one day even for nothing than a 2 year vocational degree.

What's WF's? Wal-Fart?
Worst mistake--waiting so long to start a Ph.D program.

Best decision--I have a tie. Moving back to Ohio so my son could go to St. Rita, and exposing him to ASL and the Deaf community.
Worst mistake: Bought Xbox 360 core package then sold it off.

Best decision: I got HS diploma and rather to not drop out.
worst mistakes: married the wrong kind of family, which they are pure two faced and destroyed our marriage, even my inexcusable for having affair due of feeling pushing
out, so I had affair, which will not make it better.
  • 2nd I confess that I was struggling with gay feelings where others spread the news which should be in confide, fall of their "drama" prayers instead of genuine and two faces also.
    • best I made
      I found a guy who I share my life with.
Worst Mistake we bought a house but we lost a house because of too many credit cards. Credit cards are very evil and tempting.

Best Decision We throw all credit cards away, we will never use them again. We are learning how budget better.